From Karen G. Jones
The Marion County Tax Assessor-Collector is a constitutional officer mandated by the Texas constitution, elected by and directly responsible to the people.
I would like to take this opportunity to THANK the people of Marion County for your trust and support in allowing me to serve as your Tax Assessor-Collector for the past 10 years. It is an honor and a privilege to serve and I humbly ask for the opportunity to continue to serve you.
Since taking office in 2009 we have made several changes that have improved the way we serve the public, in both our tax and motor vehicle offices, including remaining open during the lunch hour and extending hours on January 31st each year. We have expanded our services to include a website in which payments can be made as well as providing many additional options for payment of property taxes.
We have worked diligently with our delinquent tax attorneys and our taxpayers to continue to decrease our delinquent tax roll. We work with and counsel our taxpayers on what options are available to them to pay their current taxes as well as any delinquency. I’m also very proud to be working with my staff who bring their professionalism and dedication to providing excellent customer service to work with them every day.
Our office not only collects property taxes for all taxing entities in Marion County, but also serves as agents for the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles, Texas Parks and Wildlife, Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission and Voter Registrar.
Because of the wide range of responsibilities performed by the tax assessor-collector, Marion County citizens deal with our office more frequently than any other.
It was my goal when I took office in January 2009, to increase services without increasing costs and to help make our county’s government more responsive to the needs of the taxpayers. I think we’ve made substantial progress towards achieving that goal. We have increased our tax collection rate, including delinquent accounts, streamlined operations and introduced some new technology which helps to reduce our overall costs.
In serving as your Tax Assessor-Collector I have gained the specific necessary experience, certifications and knowledge to perform the lawful requirements of this important office of your county government.
I sincerely ask for your continued trust as I seek re-election to this office, I
graciously ask for your vote and support in the 2020 election.