The Problem with Politics, How it Affects Christians

Guest Column by Tom Walker

Tom Walker

One major problem I have with POLITICS is that people approach it as “the ends justify the means.” In other words, the end goal is so important to them that any means of getting there, even if it involves lying, cheating, deception, slander, or ruining others, seems necessary. It is the price of doing business, so “get over it,” some may say. An honorable approach is too often ignored or regarded as inconvenient.

I am alarmed large numbers of Christians fell into this trap. Yes, I understand that “the right to life” is an absolute end goal for many of them (and, yes, I, too, am pro-life), but many of them are suckered into thinking that an arrogant immoral narcissistic devil who ridicules, slanders, lies, and misconstrues facts can carry their moral agenda to achieve their end goal. They see power (and maybe admiration) in his toxicity to bulldoze their agenda to their desired end.

As an evangelical Christian, I have news for my fellow evangelicals: The DEVIL will burn you every time! You will be TRANSFORMED into his likeness! In the past you were critical of immoral politicians, especially those who were dishonest and hiding ulterior motives, but, (wow!) if Satan woos sweet words in your ears that he will help you get the right kind of justices on the Supreme Court, you fall over yourselves to embrace him as “sent from God” and declare that those who oppose him are doing the devil’s work. That is an act of hate against the righteousness that Jesus told us to do. Short cuts to get to our end goals are deadly.

If you accept dishonest immoral conduct, YOU ARE UNDERGOING A CHANGE, and subtly the devil has already burned your soul. Little by little, you are throwing away your integrity. You demean your witness, and your voice for Christ will be eventually be ignored.

In defending this devil, people are deliberately ignoring the “BY HIS FRUITS YOU SHALL KNOW HIM” and proceeding forth into danger. This POTUS’ fruits include arrogance, immorality, divisiveness, hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, factions, envy, and the like that leads one into “NOT inheriting the kingdom of God.” Be careful! When we ignore or defend those ungodly fruits, it changes us! DON’T GO THAT ROUTE!

Here is my favorite quote of this week: “The DEVIL doesn’t care which political view you take as long as you abandon the character of Christ to defend it.”

Tom Walker holds an MA and an MDiv from Abilene Christian University. Most recently he has served several years as a hospice chaplain. He can be reached at