Regular Meeting
March 10, 2020

The Board Packet is attached at the end of this article

The meeting was called to order by President Jason Bonner at 6:00 pm.
Members present were Jason Bonner, Dr. Kent Thigpen, J.P. Abernathy, Bobby Langbartels, Kevin Godfrey, and Leah Cooper. Ned Fratangelo was absent.

District personnel present were Rob Barnwell, Mike Wood, Dr. Lynn Phillips, Michael Walker, Jack Smith, Jay Patrick, Frieda Houston, Freda Smith, Annette Dunahoe, Kokesha Burns, Bettie Duffie, Jimmie Johnson, Brenda Neal, Stephanie Holman, and Jennifer Rich. Others present were Bob Palmer, Robert Smith, Jessica Simmons, Brandon Simmons, David Campbell, Kendra McCurry, Courtney McCurry, Collin Cawood, Charlie Brown, and Kaitlyn Simmons.

Mr. Barnwell gave the invocation.

Mr. Bonner led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
There was no one present for Public Comment.

Campus and Administrative Reports

Campus and Administrative reports were given at this time. Mr. Barnwell indicated the normal financial reports were included with the agenda packets and a couple of individual reports were available from the special services department and the high school campus.

Mr. Barnwell introduced Ms. Holman and praised her and her staff for their outstanding work so far this year in the food service department. Ms. Holman gave a presentation related to the Farm Fresh Program and told everyone about the award the food service department received from Sid Miller, Texas Agriculture Commissioner. Ms. Holman also introduced the food service employees who were in attendance and praised them for their outstanding work and dedication.

Ms. Rich told of the successes many of her choir students enjoyed at the recent UIL competition. She, along with three of her students, Collin Cawood, Charlie Brown, and Kaitlyn Simmons, sang a song for everyone in attendance.

Mr. Patrick updated the Board about the recent technology upgrades, particularly related to cybersecurity. He also explained the new expectations from TEA regarding cybersecurity training that is required for all staff and board members (everyone who uses or works with district technology, including email.)

Ms. Patti Wallace gave an update related to delinquent tax properties which were recent up for sale and/or sold.

Robert Smith, from Garland Roofing, gave a report to the board related to his knowledge of our junior high roof situation, which has routinely proven to be an issue regarding leaks. Garland, nor district personnel, has been able to recover any documentation related to a warranty for the work done approximately 13 years ago. Mr. Smith assured the Board he’s doing everything he can to assist the district with repairing the roof to alleviate our issues. There were a few questions from Mr. Barnwell and several board members. He had several suggestions and indicated he would continue to work with Jack in order to come up with a workable solution.

Mr. Walker explained to the Board his thoughts related to possible changes to the annual CTE banquet/auction. Due to diminishing participation, he is considering relocating that event to coincide with the town’s annual Pilgrimage celebration. His belief is this change might provide much more exposure to the public and/or visitors in order to celebrate those classes (staff and students) and the great things they are doing. Nothing is finalized yet, but Mr. Walker said he would keep everyone updated.


Following an explanation by Mr. Patrick, a motion was made by Mr. Langbartels, seconded by Mr. Abernathy, to approve the 20-21 ERate category 2 bid proposals, as presented and recommended by Mr. Patrick. Motion carried, 6-0.

Textbook Adoption Committee

Motion by Mr. Godfrey, seconded by Dr. Thigpen, to approve the textbook adoption committee, as presented. Motion carried, 6-0.

Instructional Materials Allotment

Motion by Ms. Cooper, seconded by Mr. Langbartels, to approve/certify that the use of instructional materials allotment will be used for the purchase and use of curriculum materials to support the teaching of the TEKS, as presented by Dr. Phillips. Motion carried, 6-0.

Board Goals

Following an explanation by Dr. Phillips, Ms. Cooper made a motion to approve the Board goals associated with addressing the areas of early childhood reading and math literacy, along with high school college, career, and military readiness, as presented. Motion was seconded by Dr. Thigpen. Motion carried, 6-0.

TEEMS and Teacher Incentive Allotment Plan

Following an explanation by Dr. Phillips, Dr. Thigpen made a motion to approve the purchase of (and the corresponding agreement with) TEEMS, Texas Educator Excellence Management System, for the purpose of assisting the district with the development and implementation of the Teacher Incentive Allotment Plan. Motion was seconded by Mr. Godfrey. Motion carried, 6-0.

Facility Projects

There was a discussion of the facility projects across the district which need to be addressed. No action was taken, but Mr. Barnwell indicated he, along with Mr. Wood and Mr. Smith, would begin the process of getting some accurate quotes related to re-roofing the junior high gym, sealcoating the good parking lots, and re-paving the parent pickup line at the elementary school. It was understood that other projects may be prioritized at a later time once the business office has a good idea of the status of the district’s fund balance near the end of the school year.

Consent Agenda

Mr. Abernathy made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda (previous minutes and one budget amendment), as presented. Motion was duly seconded by Ms. Cooper. Motion carried, 6-0.

Joint Election Agreement with City

Mr. Langbartels made a motion to approve the joint election agreement with the city of Jefferson related to the upcoming (May) election. Dr. Thigpen seconded the motion. Motion carried, 6-0.

Election Judges

Mr. Abernathy made a motion to approve the election judges, alternate judges, and clerks for the school board election set for May 2, 2020, as presented/recommended by Barbra Cox, election judge. Mr. Langbartels seconded the motion. Motion carried, 6-0.

2020-21 Budget Calendar

Mr. Godfrey made a motion to approve the 2020-21 budget calendar, as presented by Mr. Wood. Ms. Cooper seconded the motion. Motion carried, 6-0.

Executive Session & Action on Personnel

The Board convened into executive session at 7:35 pm to discuss personnel. The Board reconvened into open session at 8:02 pm.

Mr. Barnwell asked that the minutes reflect the previous acceptance of resignations from Arthur Thomas and Sharon Songer.

Mr. Barnwell also asked the Board to approve the employment of Quincee Roach, to serve as a speech assistant, on a non-certified, professional, probationary contract for the remainder of the 19-20 school year. Motion by Ms. Cooper, seconded by Dr. Thigpen, to approve the offer of employment, as presented. Motion carried, 6-0.

Mr. Barnwell recommended the approval of the renewal and updates of the contracts of administrators and directors, as presented. Mr. Langbartels made a motion to approve the personnel needs, as presented. Mr. Abernathy seconded the motion. Motion carried, 6-0.

There were no other personnel needs.

Due to no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:03 p.m.

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