TAMUT Offers Explanations on Coronaviruses

A Primer on viruses, coronaviruses and COVID-19 from Texas A&M-Texarkana virologist

From Press Release from Texas A&M University

COLLEGE STATION, Texas – Few scientists in the world know more about coronaviruses than Dr. Ben Neuman, head of the biology department at Texas A&M University-Texarkana.

He has studied coronaviruses for 24 years in England and the United States. His expertise in virology earned him a position on the international committee that named SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus causing the COVID-19 pandemic.

His knowledge and engaging way of explaining the science of the virus has placed him in demand among some of the biggest news media outlets in Europe, Asia and North America. Dr. Neuman has been a guest on about 150 television shows and more than 200 radio shows, and he has been interviewed in several thousand news articles.

In March he began hosting “Dr. Ben Neuman’s Science Group” on Facebook to answer children’s questions about COVID-19.

“Context is what really makes a scary thing less scary,” Dr. Neuman says. “When you understand what’s going on and why everything is happening, all of the sudden everything makes sense.”

Even in the midst of a global crisis, knowledge about COVID-19 and the novel coronavirus behind it can ease people’s fears.

“It’s an important role we play for the entire state,” said John Sharp, Chancellor of The Texas A&M System. “The scientists here are uniquely qualified to help people understand this outbreak.”

Please consider adding to your COVID-19 web coverage page a link to this video primer from Dr. Neuman about viruses, coronaviruses and how best to stop them: https://youtu.be/WqLW2aadjg8

Please also consider giving your audience a chance to join Dr. Neuman’s education Facebook group through this link: