Perot: City Elections Moved to November Per Secretary of State

This afternoon, Jefferson Mayor Pro Tem Victor Perot notified municipal candidates that per the Texas Secretary of State emailed election officials a notice indicating they were required to move the May 2 elections to November.

The emailed notice states:

We have continued to receive questions regarding the recent proclamations by the Governor related to elections and COVID-19. We are providing some additional guidance below.
1. Executive Order GA 14: Governor Abbott’s March 31, 2020 executive order includes, but is not limited to, the following items. It (1) extends social distancing guidelines through April 30th, (2) defines essential services, and (3) extends school closures across the state through may 4, 2020. If you haven’t already moved your May 2nd election, you must take action to do so immediately! This most recent executive order will prevent you from securing polling places, recruiting election workers, and allowing voters a safe way to exercise their right to vote. If you don’t move your May 2nd election, you are subjecting voters to health risks and potential criminal violations. Failure to postpone your election will put your election at severe risk for an election contest. For procedures related to postponing your election, see Advisory 2020-12.
a. Please note, that while Elections Personnel have been included in the federal government’s advisory on essential critical infrastructure workers, this does not include voters.

email from Texas Secretary of State

Also per the notice, governing bodies must still take action to move the election. The Jefferson City Council has not had a special meeting to authorize the change at this time.

Perot said the election would be conducted in concurrence with the County/State elections and have one common ballot which would be available at all polling locations.

It was after the close of business when the Herald (and I as a candidate) was notified, so while an email was sent to JISD Superintendent, a response is not expected until tomorrow (Friday).