MCAD Board to Meet via Teleconference Wednesday

Marion County Seal

NOTE: Obviously, even I’m losing what day/date goes together. MCAD will meet on Wednesday, not Monday as previously indicated. There are also two meetings that day. One is at 9a for the Appraisal Board Quarterly meeting and the second is at Noon and the agenda is below. The Herald has requested to be part of the teleconference call and will try to record both meetings for reporting. Sorry for the day/date mixup.


Notice is hereby given that a public meeting of Board of Directors of the Marion Central Appraisal District will convene at 12 pm on April 8, 2020, to comply with the social distancing directives of the Governor, the meeting will take place telephonically. Since the meeting will take place via teleconference, there will not be any physical location where the members of the public can attend and participate. However, the public is invited to use the following information so that it can hear the meeting and participate in public comment.

Please contact us at 903-665-2519 before the above date and time and we will help get you connected with us and included in the teleconference.

The Marion Central Appraisal District Board of Directors will meet in order to consider and act on the following items:

  • • Call to order and announce a quorum
  • • Invocation and Pledge
  • • Swear in new Director
  • • Public Comment
  • • Discuss and consider approval of previous minutes
  • • Presentation of the 2019 Annual Financial Report
  • • Discuss and consider approval of 2020 Financial Audit contract with Arnold, Walker, Arnold & Co, PC
  • • Discuss and consider approval 2020 ARB Alternates
  • • 2021 Budget Workshop
  • • Chief Appraiser’s Report
  • • Appraisal Report
  • • Financial Report
  • • Discuss items for next or future Agendas
  • • Adjournment and Announcements

Posted: Marion Central Appraisal District, Marion County Courthouse