JISD Formally Announces Graduation, Parade

Press Release/Statement from JISD Superintendent Rob Barnwell:

Last week, Governor Greg Abbott held a press conference to address new expectations as the state moves forward with plans to gradually “re-open” various Texas businesses and other entities. A part of his announcement included guidelines associated with graduation ceremonies for school districts. Although indoor ceremonies will not be allowed, Governor Abbott said school districts will have a small amount of discretion regarding graduation events.

His original order indicated outdoor ceremonies could not take place until after June 1st . However, very soon after that press conference, he amended that date to May 29th , 2020.

JISD will hold a graduation ceremony for the class of 2020 on May 29 th , 2020, at 8:00 pm. This event will take place at JISD’s football field (Lockett Stadium/Bennett Field). Due to Governor Abbott’s orders, rehearsals are not allowed. There are also strict social distancing guidelines that all districts across the state must adhere to regarding these types of events.

Our senior sponsors and administrators have been communicating with the students about graduation and other senior-related events. More specific instructions related to this event will be relayed directly to our seniors and their parents next week. I will also provide another press
release next week that will be more specific regarding instructions and guidelines for this event.

As the school year winds down, I encourage all students and parents to continue to communicate often with their teachers. There are usually a few ‘loose ends’ to tie up at the end of a school year. It’s important to ensure school work is completed, assignments are turned in, and other responsibilities are tended to as we approach the last day of instruction, which is set for May 22nd . Parents of students who may be expected to attend summer school will be contacted individually.

Please do not hesitate to visit with the appropriate JISD staff members should you have any questions or issues related to instruction, school work, food provision, or anything else.

I want to thank all of you for your support of our district. Please feel free to contact my office should you have any questions or concerns. (903-665-2461 ext. 3500)

Be Smart, Stay Healthy, and Go Dawgs!!

Rob Barnwell