The ‘Ark’ section of the Ruth Lester Playhouse was opened Friday morning in preparation for cleaning, blessing, and placement of a Torah, as the structure returns to regular use as a Jewish Synagogue.
The Bethel Temple Fellowship, a Messianic Jewish Congregation, recently reached an agreement with the Excelsior Foundation and the Jessie Allen Wise Garden Club to rent the structure and being using it for regular services.

The original Ark portion of the Synagogue still exists but has been sealed since the Torah was removed around 1920. The Ark is the small portion of the building which juts out on the Henderson Street side of the building (see photo).
Hunter Bonner, the congregation Secretary/Historian, introduced Rabbi Linda Gutierrez, who leads the congregation, led Friday’s program.
“Shalom and Thank you for being here,” said Gutierrez. “This is such a heartfelt time and it reminds me of the time when the Temple was destroyed and the prophet wept. I think of the ark in the same way: it hasn’t been used in this way for quite some time, and now again, its a part of history opening up again. What a great privilege not only for us but for the town of Jefferson. It’s about God and his creation and how he loves us and how he cares for us.”
“We are extremely excited to be here today, this is an historic event,” said Bonner.
Marion County Judge Leward LaFleur, Mayor Pro Tem Victor Perot, Laura Ohmer, and Mitch Whittington were present for the opening.
“On behalf of citizens of Marion County I want to thank you for looking into this historic opportunity and letting us see what’s in this beautiful piece of history,” said LaFleur.
“Thank you for considering coming back to Jefferson and worshiping here,” said Mayor Pro Tem Victor Perot.
The original wall paper is still present inside the Ark, although water stained. Other items in the Ark included pieces of broken glass from a lamp, and a hymnal.
LaFleur had the Courthouse Project Manager review the materials and take photos to forward to the Texas Historical Commission. A meeting will be held on Wednesday with the overseers for the Courthouse Restoration Project who have been asked to offer suggestions on what to document and how to restore or preserve the wallpaper.
The Congregation plans on cleaning and purifying the Ark before placing a Torah back inside it on Friday during Shavuot, or Pentecost. The Synagogue will be re-dedicated on June 13, 2020. Friday’s Torah placement service is at 10 a.m. and is open to the public. The Herald will be live, as long as network connectivity is available, for both the Torah placement and the re-dedication.
Bethel Temple Fellowship congregation follows the Messianic form of Judaism which believes Jesus (Yeshua) is the Messiah, as foretold by prophets.
I am so honored to be a part of the opening and being able to see such a greatness in God