State Representative Chris Paddie sent out an email on Thursday discussing some of the highlights of Texas Governor Gregg Abbott’s Phase III of the Open Texas plan. Paddie’s email follows:
In light of the encouraging signs we are seeing, Gov. Abbott has announced Phase III of reopening our economy.
Under Phase III, starting immediately, all businesses which were previously operating at 25% capacity are able to operate at 50% capacity. Some of the businesses that are affected by this are bars, wineries, breweries, bowling alleys, bingo halls, and skating rinks. Additionally, restaurants are able to expand their maximum table size from 6 to 10.
Starting Friday, June 12th, restaurants will be able to operate at 75% of capacity, while still utilizing social distancing guidelines. Also starting June 12th, businesses in counties with fewer than 10 active cases of COVID-19 may operate at 75% of capacity (up from 50%).
Additionally, Gov. Abbott provided details for outdoor events, including outdoor 4th of July events, which will allow for many of our beloved traditions to continue, but with safety precautions in place.
Comprehensive information on which businesses are covered and guidelines for business owners and patrons can be found at https://open.texas.gov/. If you have specific questions, I would encourage you to contact me or my staff and we will work with you to find an answer for any particular situations.
It is important to remember that COVID-19 is still present in Texas, but if we continue using the enhanced safety and hygiene practices we have all become familiar with we can safely reopen our economy and continue returning to normal.
For current happenings, I would encourage you to follow my Facebook or Twitter pages.