Jefferson PD Installs Prescription Drug Disposal Box

Jefferson Police Department Logo

Press Release From Jefferson Police Department

Despite the pandemic, Jefferson Police Departments has installed a prescription drug disposal box where residents can dispose of their leftover medication, no questions asked.

“Jefferson PD is excited to provide this option for our local citizens to dispose of prescription drugs,” said Jefferson PD Acting Chief Florentino Perez. “Especially at this time when families are at home more often than usual, disposing of unneeded medication is so important.”

The disposal box, which is about the size of a USPS mailbox and designed to securely prevent theft, was provided to Jefferson Police Department by the Piney Woods Substance Abuse Coalition. The coalition is a program of Next Step Community Solutions in Tyler, and is funded by a grant from Texas Health and Human Services.

“We know that more often than not, teens and adults who abuse prescription drugs get them from friends and family, sometimes taking them from an unattended medicine cabinet,” said Rebecca Smith, coordinator for the Piney Woods Substance Abuse Coalition. “Keeping an eye on your medication and disposing of it as soon as you no longer need it goes a long way to preventing abuse.”

In addition to preventing abuse, disposing of leftover medication in a local drop box prevents accidental poisonings of young children and pets who may go through trash bins, which is one of the most common Poison Control calls.

Currently, the Jefferson Police Department has office hours of 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to S p.m., Monday through Friday. The department requests residents dropping off prescription drugs during the pandemic wear the appropriate personal protective equipment.

More East Texas drop box locations and other ways to dispose are listed at

“When you dispose of your proscription drugs, not only are you keeping your family safe, you are preventing other tragic outcomes that can impact the larger community,” Smith said.