By V. Hugh Lewis II, publisher
Marion County Commissioners passed a motion, on a discussion agenda item, to request a proposal from David Woods, of Woods Engineering Company, for options on required repairs to the elevator at the jail.
“I think what were needing,” said Commissioner Joe Mcknight, “is a proposal on what we need.”
“You have a unique condition,” said Woods. “The elevator part was added secondary after initial construction, and it’s started to pull away from the building. We need to get piers under it and jack it back into place. But it appears there’s been extensive repairs over time. As the structure rotated out, the gap gets bigger at the top and there’s been repairs to keep the rainwater and leaks out. So before we can do foundation repairs we need to get everything loose. Once we get that back into place then we need to come back and reseal the vertical joint and roof level and the elevator people to do their stuff to get back together. The long and short of it is you have a specialty project.”
The preliminary cost estimate for repairs is around $100,000 and for new construction is at least $300,000. New construction would require the removal of the existing add-on, and then replacing it and the elevator.
According to McKnight, the panel on the elevator has been a problem for some time as parts are getting hard to locate for repairs.
“We’re trying to fix something that’s broke,” Woods said. “And once you have foundation problems, you’re trying to stabilize it to something you can live with. But it comes with risk. The alternative is to tear it down and start over. I would try to do this first because the other route is wildly expensive. what we’re talking about right now is $100,000.
According to Woods, the bottom of the foundation is 4-5 feet below the grade, so “we’ll have to dig up around it, sidewalk, curb and gutter and possibly part of the street to get to it.”.
“The biggest part of this is the building work, not the foundation work,” Woods said.
Commissioner Charlie Treadwell made a motion to request a proposal from Wood Engineering on the project. McKnight seconded the motion. It passed 4-0.
Phone Kiosks in Cells

Citing COVID-19 concerns, Commissioners approved and addendum to the Inmate Communications Agreement with NCIC Inmate Communications Inc, to install communication kiosks in the jail cells as currently all visitation has been canceled since the COVID-19 situation began.
“The inmates will be able to video visit family members from their cell through this system that is monitored and recorded,” said Doug Morgan of NCIC. “This will help inmates stay in contact with families since all visitation has been canceled state wide.”
“The inmates will also be able to send messages with family members through the system,” Morgan continued. “Everything is monitored and recorded and is faster and cheaper than regular mail.”
“Right now jail staff does all their request forms on paper back and forth with inmates,” said Morgan. “This will make everything paperless since the inmates can send those in through these in cell kiosk and staff can respond from their computers. Everything is recorded and complies with Jail Standards.”
The kiosks will be installed at no cost to the County. The county has a revenue sharing agreement with NCIC on the cost of the calls.
Sheriff David Capps was authorized to sign the addendum to the existing agreement. Installation is scheduled to begin in mid to late September.
Other Business
In other business, Commissioners appointed Tax Assessor-Collector Karen Jones to calculate the 2020 Tax Rates, and approved the Sheriffs’ and Constables’ Fees for 2021.
County Judge and Commissioners doing a fantastic job. Challenging issues, for challenging times.
Great coverage of this MCH!