Commissioners to Fill Vacancy on Cypress Valley Navigation District Board, Approve SAVNS Renewal

Marion County Seal

Marion County Commissioners will fill a vacancy on the Cypress Valley Navigation District Board and renew the SAVNS (Statewide Automated Victims Notification System) agreement at Monday’s regular Commissioners Court Meeting. The meeting is at 9 a.m. in the District Courtroom in the Courthouse Annex.

Other Items the Court will consider include:

  • Consider for approval Texas Parks and Wildlife Department County Boat Agent Agreement for September 1, 2020 through August 31, 2025 and authorize the County Agent, Karen Jones, Tax Assessor-Collector to sign.
  • Consider for approval Tax Collection Software for Tax Assessor-Collector’s office.
  • Consider for approval FULL bids for properties struck off to Marion County presented by Tax Assessor-Collector.
  • Consider for approval Survey, Field Work and Platt of Cypress River Airport by David Morse and authorize the County Judge to sign.
  • Consider for approval SAVNS Maintenance Grant Contract with the Office of the Attorney General Contract #2111474 for September 1, 2020-August 31, 2021 for $7,965.18 and authorize the County Judge to sign.
  • Consider for approval First Contract Renewal for SAVNS with Appriss Inc. September 1, 2020-August 31,2021 contract no. 20202144900-440-01 and authorize the County Judge to sign.
  • Consider for approval renewal of Auto Liability, Auto Physical Damage, and General Liability for December 1 2020- December 1, 2021 through Texas Association of Counties Risk Management Pool and authorize the County Judge to sign.
  • Discuss options and take necessary action for Jail Elevator.
  • Discuss items for Courthouse Restoration Project.
  • Discuss items for jail project.

The Herald/Jimplecute will be live for this meeting.

The Full Agenda and Commissioners Packet information

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