City to Consider Selling Portion of Jackson Street

City of Jefferson

The City of Jefferson will consider declaring a portion of Jackson Street abandoned and closed and sell it to the adjacent property owners during Tuesday’s regular Council meeting.

The Herald-Jimplecute will be live for this meeting

Other Items on the Agenda:

  • PRESENTATION – GEORGE OSTOTT- Appreciation from Northeast Texas Water District Board
    (City Council reserves the right to remove items from the Consent Agenda and consider and/or approve individually)
    • a. Consider and/or approve Council Meeting Minutes from August 8, 2020, August 25, 2020 and September 8, 2020 meetings.
    • b. Consider and/or approve Monthly Financial Reports
    • c. Consider and/or approve building permit application for Hillary Brown/Paul Sims at 1107 South Main
    • a. Consider and/or approve a petition to declare a portion of Jackson Street abandoned and closed and to convey it to the adjoining property owners.
    • b. Consider and/or approve a Resolution declaring a portion of Jackson Street abandoned and closed and authorizing sale
    • c. Consider and/or approve a Deed Without Warrant for the portion of Jackson Street, being part of the Urquhart Addition to the City of Jefferson, Texas
    • d. Consider and/or approve partnership with JISD and Marion County on Tower contract with Mr. Byron Waldrop
    • e. Consider and/or approve Administration Contract/Agreement for Management Services from Traylor & Associates for the Texas Community Development Block Grant Program (TxCDBG- Sewer Improvements)