Alden Ho, Wheel Salt Ministries 

Everywhere you look today, you hear and read of everyones opinion. Some believe this, while others believe that, some say do this, while others say do that. 

Facebook is loaded with it, and if you’re like me, you may research things before you purchase to make sure you’re making the right decision. 

I hesitate to buy things without first reading the reviews to ensure I’m making the right choice.

Many years ago, I used to be in photographic sales on an 800 phone line before the digital era hit and the world wide web. 

Customers would call asking questions on whether to get this or that. I often heard my other sales colleagues tell them things from the manufacturer brochures and then say things that I know they are clearly lying. 

We were allowed and encouraged to take out equipment to test it in order to know how they worked and operated, and this was something I did a lot. 

Through this, I gained much valuable hands-on experience and could speak with authority, which is what earned me annual top sales and employee of the year awards.

Today, much of the media is pushing what they want you to hear, better known as fake news as we’ve heard this term many times. 

Who can be trusted? What is truth? I can tell with a surety that there is one source that will never fail you. 

You may not always agree with it, but that does not by any means alter its truth and that’s the Bible.

The Bible is the absolute Word of God. In the New Testament, John 1:14 says, “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.” A few chapters later John writes, “Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth (John 17:17).” Truth is Truth. God will not tell you a lie, because He can’t. Titus 1:2, “….God, who cannot lie.”

Allow me to throw out a challenge to you this New Year 2021. Rather than watch the media, why not study the Word of God. 

Rather than reading the tabloids, why not dig deeper into what God spoke to tell us how to be ready for His soon return.

If all we had to do to be ready to meet Jesus is to simply pray the sinners prayer, why is the Bible so big. Why are there so many laws and commandments? And why did Jesus say, “If you love Me, keep My commandments (John 14:15).” 

There is more to being ready than many Christians think, yet it all tends to be discounted as not really necessary. But, before you throw the baby out with the bath water consider the following, “The entirety of Your word is truth, and every one of Your righteous judgments endures forever. (Psalms 119:160).” Not only does the Bible contain truth. we are told that, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8).” 

This tells us that these truths or commandments are the same and unchanging.

With the start of the new year, it’s well worth the effort to focus more on God’s Word now than ever before in times past. 

We will be held accountable not only for what we have done, but also what we have left undone. Some have been granted more time to live having survived cancer, or a life changing accident, and what of it? 

What have you done with that borrowed time? Are you using it to your benefit, or to the glory of God, because just like on April 15, we have to render to Caesar, so we will have to render unto the Lord an account for our time, finances, and talents. 

The words you want to hear are, “Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. 

Enter into the joy of your lord. (Matthew 25:21).’

In the end, my opinion and your opinion will hold no weight. It only matters what God says, and thinks.

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