By Rabbi Linda Gutierrez 

Shalom chaverim.  We are going through trying times in our nation and world.   My prayer is to keep faith in God and to keep our voice heard, our leaders to have faith, and to stand up for the rights of the people. God’s will be done.  As citizens of the United States, we who love God and our country, believe in the voice of the republic in which we have pledged.

“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”  

How many have forgotten what our nation stands for, by reading the pledge?   “One nation, under God, indivisible”, meaning unable to be divided.  “With liberty and justice for all.”, is the heartfelt meaning, that under God, if we stand on His commandments, we will not be divided.  Yes, we have the right to agree, or disagree with each other’s ideas and ways.  However, as the creation of God, we do not have the right to disagree with Almighty God.

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, and your ways are not my ways.”, says Adonai.  “As high as the sky is above the earth are my ways, and higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55:8-9) 

I am thankful to have Shalom, and freedom through the spirit of the Lord.  It is wonderful to have freedom of life knowing no matter what goes on around me, I have eternal life.   You can as well!  I am thankful to be able to speak freely as I write this article.  Through the centuries we have lost many heroes, fighting for freedom.  Their blood was spilt on an enemy soil, and sadly in our own land.

If we allow others to come in and take our freedom and silence us, it is like having our tongue cut out.  My husband Bob, along with other heroes, went to war fighting for freedom.  Many died, others lost body parts, and even families.  Bob was injured in the Vietnam War. With only five days left to come home, a rocket blew up on him and he was left for dead.  His throat and neck were sliced leaving him with no voice.

The doctors said, if he continued to live, he would be a mute and never eat normal again.  He was a mute for three and a half years.  Keeping his faith in God, Yeshua heard his call.  God healed him and gave him his freedom.  He would go on to once again, fight for freedom, by speaking the name of Yeshua and telling of His greatness and love.  The heroes of the United States fought for the Republic to have this freedom.

Yeshua died for our freedom to gather and worship Him.  Our house of prayer is for all people and you are welcome to worship with us.  Yeshua’ s death was not in vain and His blood will never lose its power. Yeshua fought, suffered, and died for more than temporal relief.  He fought for eternal freedom.  

Hebrew word for today –Faith –Emuwnah – firmness, fidelity, steadfastness 

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