City of Jefferson

The Jefferson City Council will meet at 5:30p.m. Tuesday at the Jefferson Visitor and Convention Center, 305 E Austin St. The Herald/Jimplecute will be live for this meeting.

The Agenda includes:

  • 7.     MAYOR ITEM
    • a.  City Administrator posting update
    • b.  Discuss adding JEDCO and Tourism Board update as council meeting on a quarterly basis
    • c.   Launch of banking initiative
  • 8.    CONSENT AGENDA (City Council reserves the right to remove items from the Consent Agenda and consider and/or approve individually)
    • a.  Consider and/or approve Council Meeting Minutes from December 15, 2020
    • b.  Consider and/or approve Monthly Financial Reports
    • c.   Consider and/or approve 1st Quarter Budget Report
    • d.  Consider and/or approve 1st Quarter Revenue Report
    • e.  Consider and/or approve Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Jefferson and Marion County for Library Services
    • f.   Consider and/or approve Interlocal Agreement Between the County of Marion and  The City of Jefferson Covering Shares Services and Responsibilities
    • g.  Consider and/or approve contract/agreement from Jefferson Carnegie Library
    • h.  Consider and/or approve Order of Election for May 1, 2021 (1) Alderman Ward 1, (1)   Alderman Ward 2 and (1) Alderman Ward 3
  •      9.  ACTION ITEMS
    • a.  Consider and/or approve Various Diamond Don Events
    • b.   Consider and/or approve appointment to Tourism Board by Ald. Gary Amburn
    • c.   Consider and/or approve the final street listing for the 2021 city road paving contract
    • d.   Consider and/or approve the advertisement for bids for 2021 city road paving contract
    • e.    Consider and/or approve the cancellation of the City’s contract with Perdue—two firms will give presentations: Perdue & Linebarger (Perdue Brandon Fielder Collins & Mott LLP or “Perdue” and Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP or “Linebarger”)
    • f.   Consider and/or approve the purchase of new Election/Voting Equipment from Hart Intercivic (3 machines and supporting equipment for $40,688)
    • g.   Consider and/or approve allowing the Chamber of Commerce to use the old Jefferson  Police Building as a store front for one year, rent free.  An agreement will be drafter and approved at a future Council Meeting
    • h.  Consider and/or approve a petition to declare that the Abandoned residue of a portion of alley located between lots 1, 2, and 3 and lots 8, 9, and 10 in Block 50 of the Urquhart Addition of a city alley be conveyed to Robert W. Baker, Jr., and  Pamela L. Baker
    • i.   Consider and/or approve Resolution declaring that the abandoned residue of portion of an alley located between lots 1, 2, and 3 and lots 8, 9, and 10 in Block 50 of the Urquhart Addition be sold to adjoining Landowners
    • j.  Consider and/or approve Deed Without Warranty for the abandoned reside of portion of alley located between lots 1, 2, and 3 lots 8, 9, and 10 in Block 50 of the Urquhart Addition
    • k.  Consider and/or approve a petition to declare an abandoned portion of Owens Street  located adjacent to Lots 1 and 7 in Block 100 in the Alley Addition to be abandoned and closed and to convey to the adjoining property owners
    • l.  Consider and/or approve a Resolution declaring and abandoned portion of Owens Street located adjacent to Lots 1 and 7 in Block 100 Alley Addition to be abandoned and closed and authorizing sale
    • m. Consider and/or approve a Deed Without Warranty for the abandoned portion of Owens Street located adjacent to Lots 1 and 7 in Block 100 in the Alley Addition
    • n.  Consider and/or approve placing stops signs at the following intersections to better   control speed of traffic and recent near misses with vehicles:
      • 1. W. Dallas Street and N. Market Street 
      • 2. E. Henderson Street and N. Walnut Street
      • 3. N. Walnut Street and E. Orleans Street

Council Packet Items are available either below or via the following links:

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