Letter: What’s up with slow delivery?

Monday, January 25, 2021

Hello Jimp,

Yesterday I received my newspaer – Edition Dec. 25, 2020. As you see it took 1 Month exactly for me to receive it.

I love the paper because I lived in Jefferson many years. My daughter sends or pays for my subscription. I like to keep up with the obits and see how my grandchildren are doing in school, sports, etc. Anyway, is there some way I could receive my newspaper sooner? I know its 3rd class mail, but surely it should be received sooner than a month late to the day.

I enjoy y’all’s paper and please try to help me.

Thank you

Thank you!


Nancy S. Smith

Kennard, Texas

Mrs. Smith,

Newspaper delivery is a challenging part of small town newspapers like the Jimplecute. We rely on the US Postal system to deliver in a timely manner. We do use what is called Periodical (or 2nd Class mail) but while we enjoy reduced rates, it can take longer for delivery. Normally, subscribers in your area receive the paper by the Monday after we mail on Thursday.

The last few weeks we have seen a delay in delivery to different areas – none of which are consistent.

We are working with  our local post office to try and figure out what is going on and see how to correct the situation.

We apologize for the delay in you receiving your paper and hope this one gets to you faster.

Hugh Lewis


If any other subscriber is having problems receiving their Jimplecute in a timely manner, please reach out to us at JeffersonJimplecute@gmail.com and we’ll see what we can do. We also offer online access to the Jimplecute via our website and daily newsletter email. While not the same, it is a way for subscribers to read about what’s going on around Marion County immediately.

We welcome Letters to the Editor each week – either via US Mail or by email. All Letters must be signed however.