Moment With the Minister: A Tangible Touch

By the Rev Leroy Richardson

Covid-19 pandemic taught us the importance of physical touch as a part of the human experience. Loved ones died alone in hospitals and nursing homes.  Sick parents and siblings experienced the isolation from family presence.  Social distancing separated us from hugs, kisses, handshakes and other touch related embraces.  It’s taken an awful toll on the mental, physical, and spiritual health of our society.  Can a tangible touch make a difference in outcomes?

It has been said that a touch can cure diseases and sickness, relieve emotional trauma, transfer legacy and bring peace.  A woman in the Bible who had a bleeding issue for 12 years said within herself, “…If I may but touch his garment, I shall be whole.”(Matthew 9:21)  She persevered, touched Jesus’ garment and was cured of her disease.  It doesn’t seem to matter who initiates the contact, a tangible touch can change outcomes.  

A blind man from Bethsaida was brought to Jesus and begged to touch Jesus.  Jesus took the blind man outside of town, spit on his eyes, then layed hands twice on his eyes.  The man ended up seeing clearly because of the touch of Jesus.

Have you ever been in a situation where you felt an overwhelming need to reach out to someone?  Maybe you’re dealing with chronic sickness, abusive relationship, or business failure, reaching out may help change your outcome.  An embrace can sometimes put the seal on forgiveness.  Reach out!  It could make a difference today.

Tangible touch releases energy that transfers from one person to another in the proper setting.  In Luke 6:19, Jesus Christ modeled anointed transfer:  “ And the whole multitude sought to touch him: for there went virtue out of him, and healed them all.”  

There also comes a time where touch is not helpful but harmful.  Apostle Paul encouraged the Gentile church at Corinth that “…It is good for a man not to touch a woman.”(1 Corinthians 7:1)  Studies show that physical contact causes chemical reactions to take place within human bodies.  This stimuli can cause action – good or bad – to be a result.  A man touching a woman stimulates hormones.

Apostle Paul further commands them “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing;…”(2 Corinthians 6:17).  The Old Testament prohibited contact with dead animals, menstrual women, and diseased individuals.  Ceremonial uncleanness resulted because physical touch causes bacteria to transfer from one body to another.  One could spread infection to an entire tribe since everyone came to the tabernacle for sacrifice.  

There are helpful touches and harmful touches.  Healing touches are helpful.  Physical abuses are harmful.  Every now and then we all need a real tangible touch.  Depression, anxiety, broken relationships, disappointments lead us to another human being for comfort; a hug, a kiss, a fist bump, a dance, a handshake.  Even in a social distancing pandemic, people could use a tangible touch. 

Remember, you too need a tangible touch in times like these.