Marion County Judge Leward LaFleur announced early Tuesday morning how residents can register for the next round of COVID-19 vaccines available in Marion County.
“We just received the final information from the Department of State Health Services,” said LaFleur, “and I wanted to get this out as soon as possible.”
Registration opens officially at 9 a.m. Wednesday, March 3, by calling the 903-665-3261. Calls before then will NOT be allowed to register for a vaccine. Voicemail messages will not be considered as waiting to register.
Registrants must meet either the 1a or 1b categories, outlined on the flyer, to be eligible to receive a vaccine at this time.
“If you don’t meet the 1a or 1b criteria,” LaFleur continued, “then tell your neighbors, family, and friends. We want to get everyone vaccinated as quickly as possible, and, being a rural community, not everyone has access to the internet, so help spread the word.”

There are 400 doses available and registration is on a first call, first serve basis. The Judge’s Office will have volunteers helping to register individuals who call in, but voicemail messages will not be accepted for registering for the vaccine.
The County Offices will be closed on Tuesday for Texas Independence day.