Blessings to count!

To the community,

To think about the generosity of so many caring people that do not hesitate to give their time and energy towards a great cause is a blessing.

To know people, who know other people and want to be a blessing unto them, is a blessing.

To have something to give people that you know they will be blessed by is a blessing. 

To be enabled to have another opportunity to share 1260 boxes of fresh vegetables, poultry products, fruit and dairy products and 1260 gallons of milk were a blessing.

To know the farmers took great pride to produce the crops that would go across the country to feed people is a blessing. The truckers that drive across the country to deliver the food boxes are a blessing.

Thank you all, again and again, for being such a blessing to others.

To the surrounding churches and community members that came to do their part in distribution, to our Jefferson law enforcement that show up to help in any possible way, going above and beyond to show their call to service in our community, to the NAPA management that allowed us to use it’s premises to distribute to the community, to the forklift operators volunteering their machinery and time to unload the 24 pallets off the 52 foot trailer, to Michelle drew @e3defense making the connection to bless our communities. You all were blessings.

Yes, to the god that blesses all to bless others, we have so much to be thankful and grateful for as he blesses us all.

So many blessings to count, thank you for giving us these blessing!

Ander Graham


Under the Light  Ministries