Pioneer Days committee meets

A meeting of the planning committee for Pioneer Days to be held on Labor Day Weekend this year was held recently at the Taste of Caddo restaurant in downtown Jefferson.

This was the third meeting of the group which is being put together by Jefferson’s thespian group, the Opera House Theatre Players, to enhance the 3-day holiday weekend for downtown businesses.

Two new members from Marshall , Lana and Bob Shaw, attended and offered to lend aid in putting together the pioneer-style theme for the weekend.  The couple, newly arrived in east Texas, were very involved with the “old west days” that is held yearly in Tombstone, Arizona and offered some suggestions that could be incorporated into the planned activities already suggested such as an old pioneer style parade, a street dance with a western band, an outdoor barbeque that would also feature cowboy  trick ropers and square dancers as well as an exhibit of Longhorn cattle or other farm animals.

At least two persons committed funds for the event that is to be held on Saturday and Sunday followed by a concert featuring the internationally famous “Sons of the Pioneers”, a singing and instrumental group founded by cowboy film star Roy Rogers,  The concert will be held at the Visitor Center at 3 pm Monday,  September 6.  All funds donated to the Pioneer Days Committee will be directed to the theatre group which is a non-profit organization and public recognition as well as a tax letter for the donation will be furnished by the Players. .The Sons of the Pioneers will also be available following the performance for photos with audience members and will have a table set with several different CDs of the groups shows.

Anyone, and especially businesses, are encouraged to attend the next scheduled meeting on Tuesday, May 11, at the same location beginning at 5:30 pm.  For information call the theatre at 903-665-8243 or 903-926-2760.