A Moment With the Minister: Shalom Chavera, Mishpacha

By Rabbi Linda, Bethel Temple Fellowship

Everyone on this earth is uniquely designed by God.  We should use these qualities in building our society.  What we contribute depends on how we perceive ourselves.  It is our choice to love or hate, but either way we contribute good or evil.

How we use or misuse our life is important, not only to self, but to the world. Our life is a contribution to the world teaching truth, or lies will be handed down to the next generation. According to God, we are incomprehensible, distinguished, and extraordinary only because God loves us, “for we are wonderfully made.”

I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are your works, And that my soul knows very well.   PS.  139:14

We are given the gift of life, therefore I will Praise God.  What we do with our life will be the biggest decision of our birth.  How we think of ourself will affect how we choose to use the wonderful gift of life and how we treat others.

Proverbs 23:7   For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.”Eat and drink!” he says to you, But his heart is not with you.

The disciple asked Yeshua, Master what is the greatest commandment in the law?  Yeshua said unto him

Thou shall love the Lord thy God with all your heart, soul, and mind. And the second is like unto it thou shall love they neighbor as thy self. On these two commandments hang all the  law and the prophets.  Matt 22:36-40

If we are going to make a difference in this world, we have to love God first with all that is in us, so we can love our neighbor.  This is genuine love and everything else will follow.  When someone uses God to justify what they want, that is not truth, nor is it God’s love. I understand everyone will do and think as they choose. However, to use God’s love to manipulate is low.

I do not hate people who do this.  Rather, I hate the sinful actions and will continue to love and pray for those who do so.  As a servant of Yeshua, I will speak the truth.  It is your choice to receive or reject it. We must pray for each other, our nation, and our leaders.

“Kamala Harris is justifying  the act of getting  covid vaccinated by saying that those acts are the very essences of what the bible and so many faiths tell us about  the importance of our role and our power, When we say love thy neighbor.”

June 14, 2021 speeches and remarks Phillis Wheatley Community Center Greenville , South  Carolina

Using the bible to justify getting vaccinated, based on love your neighbor, is asinine.  In that case it should be equal rights for the whole bible such as abortion.  Is that love?  You are to love others more than oneself.  What about in the beginning God created male and female?

 I get what she is saying.  However, if you are going to bring up one of the precepts of the Bible, you need to bring them all out.

If the bible is good for one subject, than it is good for all things. There is more to loving your neighbor than getting a covid vaccine.  I will believe the word of God not man.  How can you love your neighbor if you cannot love your own child, or if you cannot give to the poor?

We must love all people, but hate the sin. If you love your neighbor, you will tell the truth and hate sin, for sin will destroy lives.  The bible is a love letter to the world.  It is based on truth, for Yeshua is truth.  The bible does not justify evil, for that is deceiving and will cost your eternal life.

God has given us the power to contribute love and truth to this world and to be a light in the darkness.

True love is speaking truth not to deceive others.  However, we must recognize that ultimately they will choose what they want.

I pray our lives will contribute love and truth in our society, and the next generation will bring God’s love to a dying world.  For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believe in him should  not perish but have ever lasting life.  John 3:16

Hebrew word for today –Love –Ahava  –1 John 4:8  God is love

—Rabbi Linda