JEDCO: Strategic Plan Dominates meeting

The Jefferson Economic Development Corporation returned to monthly meetings after a two month hiatus due to City elections.

Bob Thomas, owner of Delta Street Inn, gave a 20-minute presentation during public comment on the value of a strategic plan and how JEDCO and the City need to take it seriously and work to complete the project.

“How big might Jefferson grow and keep it’s small town feel?” asked Thomas. “My number is 10,000.”

Newly elected Ward 2 Alderman Robin Moore, and former JEDCO secretary, told members “No one from the city runs your meetings – not the mayor or city council – you’re autonomous. You run your meeting.”

Moore made the claim the last two meetings had been canceled without consulting all the JEDCO board members. “I will be taking it to council,” said Moore. “It’s just common sense and courtesy to contact every board member. I’m also disappointed that we’ve had a contract proposal from Texas A&M [on the strategic plan] and it’s still not on the agenda. This has been postponed long enough. I’ve been trying to get it on the agenda since April.”

Acting board President Doug Thompson introduced new members and then called for election of officers. 

New members are David Ozee, Bubba Haggard, Lynn Daughrity, and City Administrator Eric Kuykendall. Kuykendall does not have any voting privileges but is still considered a member of the board.

Haggard was elected president of JEDCO for the next year. Thompson returns as Treasurer. Members could not decide upon a secretary for the board – even asking if City Secretary Doris Hines would consider attending the meetings and taking notes. Jefferson Mayor Rob Baker asked the board to table the secretary position for now and let he and Kuykendall discuss the matter with city staff.

Queen Wood Products submitted an application for assistance with a future expansion project. They are interested in purchasing the remainder of the JEDCO owned land along Old Colony Road. They hope to invest an additional $1-2 million to produce more product with fewer trucks coming to the facility. The project is to build a wood shaving facility.

JEDCO proposed investigating partially property swapping them for a low section of land Queen Wood currently owns but is unable to use.

Moore provided an update on the Strategic Planning project and had Dr. John Cooper from Texas A&M on video conference to answer questions. JEDCO moved to have attorney’s review the proposed contract and to remove the City as a named sponsor as JEDCO is already an arm of the City Council.

Moore requested the review and other information go through her as she has been the lead on the project.