The Meaning Behind Halloween

Rabbi Linda/Bethel Temple Fellowship


What does the name Halloween really mean?

The word “Halloween“ comes from “All Hallows’ Eve’’ and means, “hallowed evening.” Hallowed means, “made holy, consecrated, hallowed ground. Knowing the origins of Halloween is important, because this article is regarding the supernatural hidden dark-side of this “holiday”.

Halloween’s name describes its identity. It refers to being a holy and consecrated evening. However, on this evening the question must be asked, “Who is this evening consecrated to?” Why do you change your identity with costumes? Who are they celebrating and worshiping? Halloween portrays itself as innocent fun so that families partake in Halloween ceremonies involving their children.

Many do not understand the roots of Halloween, while others simply do not care. However, there are others who clearly understand what Halloween really is and are involved in its dark roots. Halloween is geared for those practicing secrets of dark forces..

It is a portal that is opened to worship demonic forces. This time of year is used to initiate others into opening doors to the dark world. This is accomplished by tricking others with the illusion that it is fun to worship Satan.. The truth of the matter is the spirit of Halloween draws poor souls into the dark kingdom.

Recently I read an article on Halloween: “Israel 365 news – Oct 11, 2021 by Adam Eliyahu -Berkowitz “ Title – “Church of Satan founder ‘glad’ Christian parents let kids celebrate Halloween to ‘worship the devil.’ ”

“The church of Satan, the first organized church in modern times, to be devoted to the figure of Satan, perceived Halloween as an opportunity for the average American to indulge in secret Satanist fantasies .They claim that Halloween is the night when the mundane folk try to reach down inside and touch the darkness which for Satanists is a daily mode of existence.”

By dressing in costume the average American is taking a brief dip into the pool of the shadow world. There was an interview with Anton LaVey, founder of the church of Satan before he passed away in 1997. It noted that Satanists are thankful for the hidden connection to Halloween. 

“I am glad that Christian parents let their children worship the devil at least one night out of the year.”, LaVey said in an article “Destiny Image”. Welcome to Halloween! 

We think because we are not performing any demonic rituals, or human sacrifices, that we are on safe ground. However LaVey wrote, “but did you know as soon as you dress up, whether you color yourself, or put on a costume, the enemy owns you. By doing so you have turned over your legal rights and you have dedicated yourself and your children to celebrating the devil’s holiday. You have just made a pact with the enemy and you are already sacrificing your children spiritually by dressing them up and changing their identity. These are the words of the founder of the Satan church .

Ex-Satanist priest John Ramirez said, “..don’t play with Satan. He plays for keeps. Hell is a real place.

Jesus said in the Bible, “You serpents, you brood of vipers, how will you escape the sentence of hell?” Matt 23:33

Hell was created for Satan and not for man. (Matt 25:41) Many will follow Satan to his eternal home in hell and right into the pit of torment. People are tricked into believing “fear of the dark side is fun and a thrill!” The real hell will not be a thrill. It is a real torment. The fear you experience of so-called “fun of the supernatural” already tells you it is not a good thing.

Know the truth, it will set you free. The bible tells us that, “the fearful, unbelieving…will have their part in hell.” Rev 21:8

Yeshua is the way, truth, and life. John 14:6. The way out of hell. 

Hebrew Word of the Day: Partake -Hebrew- “Metecho”: To be, become partaker, belong to.