What Shall I Do With Jesus Christ

Leroy Richardson/Local Minister

Pilate, Roman governor, asked the question in Matthew 27:22 that very well could be the question of the ages.  “What Shall I Do Then With Jesus Christ?”

Many don’t want Jesus Christ in their Institutions Of Higher Learning.  Some do not want Him in their Government locations.  Some don’t want Him in their Homes.  Some don’t want Him in their Professions; especially medical.  While others don’t want Him in their Churches.

So What Shall I Do With Jesus?

Some want His victory; but not Him.  Some want His Healing Power; but not Him.  Some want His Riches; but not Him.  Some want His Wisdom; but not Him.

So What Shall I Do With Jesus?

Governor Pilate had two options.  1) RELEASE JESUS or 2) CRUCIFY JESUS.  The crowd gave him their option:  “Let him be crucified.”  So What Shall YOU Do With Jesus?

I suggest it depends on Who you are and at what point you encounter Jesus.

If you are Jewish or Gentile and encounter Him prior to His resurrection, You Have No Choice but to join the religious crowd and  say, “Crucify Him, Crucify Him”.  But You say, “Not Me.  No Way. I would never say crucify Jesus.”

God’s word is true and every man a liar.  God said many years prior to Jesus’ crucifixion through the prophet Isaiah in chapter 53, “For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.  He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.”(Isa 53:2-3)

At that point in your life you must crucify Jesus as part of God’s plan to save humanity from itself.

If you encounter Jesus after His resurrection, your choice becomes optional as Jew or Gentile.  All of us today will encounter Jesus after His resurrection.  For He already resurrected and ascended back to heaven and sits on the right hand of God.  But the question continues to ring throughout the ages, “What Shall I Do With Jesus Christ?”  Your choices are very similar to Pilate’s.  You not only have the power to Release Him daily, but also the power to Crucify Him daily.  Release or Crucify?

Is Jesus worthy of introduction to Family and Friends?  Can you publicly give Him credit for the Grace gifts in your life?  Will you live a life similar to Jesus’ so people will ask you about Him?  Or do you keep Him in prison at your church house?  WHAT WILL YOU DO WITH JESUS?