MSO to offer ‘American Landscapes’ in Jefferson

The Marshall Symphony Orchestra will perform a free concert in Jefferson, sponsored by Cumberland Presbyterian Church,  called American Landscapes.   The concert takes place at 3 pm, Sunday, November 21, at the church, following a series concert performance of the same program the previous evening in Marshall.   The concert will feature the complete ballet Appalachian Spring by the great American composer Aaron Copland and will be heard in its original instrumentation.   Also featured will be Richard Wagner’s beautiful Siegfried Idyll, a work the composer created as a present to his wife for Christmas morning.  The concert will be conducted by the MSO’s internationally renown music director, Kermit Poling.  

Kermit Poling states about the concert, “It will be wonderful returning to Cumberland Presbyterian. This past June we performed to a packed church and so enjoyed the great acoustics and the enthusiastic audience..  I have loved Copland’s ballet since the time I was a child.   I practically wore out the record I have, which Copland himself conducted.   Copland created what I can only describe as the “American Sound” of orchestral music.   And using the Shaker Hymn “Simple Gifts” in the middle of the piece was a stroke of genius that audiences will instantly recognize.”   

Kermit Poling is a Centaur recording artist and his recording with the London Symphony Orchestra in 2017 won worldwide acclaim and a Global Music Award.  Poling has conducted throughout the world and has been featured with orchestras such as the Orchestra Filarmonia Veneta in Italy,  the Symphony Orchestra of the State of Mexico, the Moscow Ballet and the Shenzhen Symphony of China among many others.  

Sunday’s concert is free to all, sponsored by the church.   Saturday’s tickets are $30 in advance or $35 at the door with student discounts available..  Tickets and Information about this concert, as well as other performances by the Marshall Symphony Orchestra are available at