Jefferson is entering it’s busiest Tourist Season of the year. How visitors see it affects how much time they spend here, if they come back, and, what they say about the city.
But, most importantly, it should be how we see our city and how we take pride in it’s appearance.
Lately, how our city looks appears to not be on anyone’s mind.
Trash is being left almost everywhere on our streets and in our parks.
Granted, in some areas there’s not enough trash cans, but in others, there’s trash in the streets right next to the trash cans.
A recent photo shoot in a private park in downtown left their props tied to a bench, and foil confetti scattered on the streets. 24 hours later, it was still there; deflated and abandoned.

Cans, paper flyers, cigarette butts, trash bags, cardboard boxes, tree limbs, and the list goes on and on of debris left around our town.
All of this displays a lack of care for our town.
We don’t have people dedicated to cleaning up after others. It’s up to all of us to take pride in our city and cleanup after ourselves.
Scouts have a philosophy when visiting places: “Leave it better than you found it.”
We need to do the same thing.
Cleanup after ourselves – and pickup what others leave.
It’ll make us all have more pride in our town.