Museum Lecture: Pine Tree students to present findings on African-American community in Jefferson on Thursday

It’s time once again for the Jefferson Historical Museum’s quarterly lecture series, and this time we have something very special in store for you. Several students from Pine Tree High School in Longview have been researching leaders from the African-American community in Jefferson over the years, and on Thursday 1/20, will present several vignettes from their findings at the museum.  These students presented a preliminary program to the museum board, and it was fascinating – these students are detailed researchers, and wonderful presenters. 

The program will start at 6pm on Thursday, 1/20, and will begin with a wine and cheese reception as always, followed by the presentation.

On another topic, the Jefferson Historical Museum annual meeting will be the next day on Friday, 1/21, at 5pm. We hope that you can join us for a re-cap of the previous year, and election of board members. Join us in the gallery at 5pm on Friday.