‘Windows into History’ is close to fruition

To the editor, 

Two or three years ago my wife, Pam, and I revisited Washington-on-the-Brazos State Park. We were totally enthralled by thre new see-through glass panels along the walking path upon which were etched the old townsite buildings and streets in their original locations. Where no town exists, the etchings put them in place. 

We immediately thought of Jefferson’s historic “riverport to the southwest” which is so hard to imagine today.

Fast forward to last summer when I approached Jefferson Economic Development Company (JEDCO) regarding a tourism business development project to install 6 such panels here in Jefferson. Two or three to bring the riverport back to life and three or four in other compelling locations of interest to tourists. Each location is chosen to enrich the tourist visit.

I requested JEDCO to commit $30,000 which was my estimate of total project cost. The JEDCO board asked me to prepare a detailed proposal which I presented at their November meeting. 

They discussed and approved to fund 1/3 of the project actual cost, not to exceed $10,000, subject to development of a completely detailed implementation plan. Their approval was endorsed by the city council at the January meeting. 

Confidence in the “Windows Into History Project” was elevated by fundraising results totaling now $12,000 from several local historic preservation sources including the F.A. Schluter Foundation, Historic Jefferson Foundation, Excelsior House Foundation, Jesse Allen Wise Garden Club and Jefferson Historic Society & Museum. 

With the JEDCO commitment, we now have secured $22,000 of the $30,000 estimated all-in cost.

Additionally, approximately 50 citizens had previously reacted positively to “Windows” with about 12 folks agreeing to participate on my team developing the detailed implementation plan. 

Artist, Terry Ward, even built a wood and plexiglass model “window” for use in spotting specific locations.

Other volunteer team members joining me on “Windows Into History: Phase 1” at this time include: Lucy & Wil Thomas, Mack Jordan, John Kelsey, Gary Endsley, Mitch Whitington, Marcia Thomas, Laura Omer, Becky DeWare, Hollis Shadden, Howard Blatch, Colleen Taylor and Pam Thomas. I so appreciate their commitment to our Windows Into History project Phase 1.

Thanks, also, to both Jon Failor, Complex Manager, Washington on the Brazos State Historic Park and Stephen Garrett, Interpretive Planner, Texas Parks & Wildlife Department-Austin. Their information and time are most appreciated. They each are excited about our tourism team project here in Jefferson.

We continue to thankfully accept donations to completely fund this effort. Should you be inclined to donate, please make your check out to: City of Jefferson Tourism Department with the notation, “Windows Into History Project”.

Bob Thomas

Jefferson, Texas