The Q2 2022 Discover Jefferson & Marion County visitor’s guide was delivered late last week. It’s not available and being distributed.
A flipbook is also available for anyone to use or post on their website. It is available at: https://issuu.com/foxlitho/docs/6024_-_discover_jefferson_2022_q2-fb?fr=sZTVkNzM3Njc3OTA
If you haven’t received any yet and would like to have them, please contact the Jimplecute at 903-665-2462.
“The books have been flying off the shelves this year, and I’m happy to say we increased the print run from 6,000 to 7,000,” said DJMC publisher Hugh Lewis. “I started this being happy with 3-5,000 copies being printed, and still can’t believe we’re at 7,000 now every quarter.”
The publication is produced each calendar quarter and distributed to area businesses, state Visitor’s Centers, and to individual subscribers.
For more information, or to advertise, contact Lewis or the Jimplecute offices at 903-665-2462.