Bulldog Band rated ‘excellent’

Sneaking around in the background, the Jefferson High School Band recently went to the UIL Region 4 Concert and Sightreading Contest today in Gilmer. 

The band had an awesome performance on stage and even more awesome performance in the sightreading room. They were awarded a 2 (excellent) on their stage performance and a 1 (superior) in their sightreading performance. 

For those not familiar, in sight reading, the band gets seven minutes to look at a piece of music they’ve never seen and then play it for three judges. Very tense and stressful, but they did super! 

Imagine coach Coach Jimmerson getting game film on a visiting team they’ve never played at 7 p.m. and have kickoff at 7:30 p.m. 

In a statement on Facebook, Jefferson ISD said, “(We are) proud of our Bulldog Band. We are moving in the right direction to make our district and community proud!”