Gravesite Flags to Honor Veterans

On May 21, individuals, families and organizations are encouraged to participate in honoring our Marion County veterans by placing gravesite Memorial Day American flags at local cemeteries.  

American flags will be provided through the collaborative efforts of VFW Post 10373, VFW Post 10373 Auxiliary, the American Legion of Jefferson, and the Martha McCraw Chapter of Daughters of the American Revolution.  

Gravesite flags will be set out prior to Memorial Day and left in place through Flag Day, June 14.   Flags then will be collected and stored at the VFW Post.  Please join in honoring the gravesites of our many Marion County veterans by choosing to volunteer your service for activities listed below.

On Saturday morning, May 21, 2022, volunteers for flag-placements honoring veterans buried at Oakwood Cemetery, Mt. Sinai Cemetery and Oakwood Memorial Cemetery are asked to meet at the West or “front” gate to Oakwood Cemetery located at the end of East Webster St. in Jefferson.  A brief ceremony by the VFW will begin at 10:00 am to be followed by placement of flags at listed grave sites.  Contact DAR member Amye Kelsey: (903) 240-8153.

Volunteers for flag-placements honoring veterans buried at Cedar Grove Cemetery in Jefferson should meet at the front gate to Cedar Grove Cemetery located at the extreme north end of Line St., at 2:00 pm, Saturday afternoon, May 21.  Flag distribution and placement will be directed by the Cedar Grove Cemetery Association.   Contact Gail Irving: (903) 665-0938

Cemetery representatives wanting to reserve American flags to honor veterans buried at rural Marion County cemeteries can request flags for a specific cemetery by contacting VFW Auxiliary members:  Paulette Cooper (903) 624-7744 or Debbie Brown (817) 727-1770.  Reserved flags will be ready for pick-up at 9:00 am Saturday morning, May 21, at the VFW Building, 1399 US-59, Jefferson, TX.  Volunteers picking up flags also will be responsible for organizing flag-placements and flag-returns.

The public is invited to join in honoring this group of Marion County veterans.