Rabbi Linda/Bethel Temple Fellowship

Shalom  Chaverim,

The Word of the Lord to the world is hope.  This includes hope and peace for Jefferson.

The Word of the Lord teaches us how much He loves us.  God is our hope and shalom.  He answers the questions which we desperately search for.  God answers the emptiness we have  in this dysfunctional world by giving us hope through the Messiah.  We accept God’s words and do them.

His words are life to us; they are not a burden like many of us have been taught.  God gives us His laws to help us.  However, we are the ones who bring evil on ourselves.

“Cursed is the ground for your sake.”  The earth is cursed because of man’s disobedience . ( Gen 3:17 )

God is warning us why these things happen and how to avoid the evil, which is simply loving and obeying God.

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways.”, declares the LORD. (Isaiah 55:8) 

Leviticus 26 opens with thirteen clearly expressed verses of blessings, of excellence, and beauty.  The result of living in accordance with God’s covenant.

These verses express the fulfillment of every possible need and desire of an ideal human life experience.  When we reject God, those blessings turn into the opposite of blessing. (curse)

“Walk in my statutes and you will be blessed.”  (Deuteronomy  28:8)  God commands His blessing on us.  

God’s words are like the rain.  When we walk, we observe and do His commandments. We are planting His seed and His rain makes it grow.

“Geshem” in Hebrew is a root word for rain.  It’s like the sky, where there is water, but it’s not tangible until it becomes rain.  It materializes becoming tangible, and the rain goes forth  watering the earth and producing life.

So is God’s word to us. It goes forth like the rain giving us His water producing blessings spiritually, physically, and materially.  His Word becomes tangible.

“If any man thirsts, let him come to me and drink.”  (John 7:37)

“In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God.”  (John 1:1-2 )

“I will send you a savior.” Isaiah 19:20.  The Savior was born (Luke 2:11)

“The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us.” (John 1:14)

God’s Word goes forth (Geshem) and it materializes tangibly going forth prospering where it is sent.

“God’s Word will not return back to Him void.” (Isaiah 55:11)

Lev 26:3-4  “If you walk in my statutes,  and keep my commandments and do them, then I will give you rain in due season.”

Our hope, deliverance, and peace in this world is in Yeshua.

Let us walk in obedience to God, and receive blessings not curses.

The Hebrew word for today, “Messiah”:  “Mashiyach”  anointed one, King of Israel, High Priest of Israel.

In God’s love

Rabbi Linda