Jefferson’s Historic Landmarks

Rabbi Linda/Contributing writer

Shalom  friends of Jefferson,

Jefferson has a lot of profound history for America’s people and other nations.  America is known as a melting pot of people.  The “land of the free” gives hope to many people no matter what race they are or where they come from.  We are all from the human race.  Jefferson, along with America, is built on important historical landmarks.

Our history should not be altered or changed!   Changing historic landmarks would be changing  history and rewriting the importance of the past!  Effectively, it is wiping out the memory of our history.

All history is important and historic landmarks announce the truth when displayed and used in the proper manner.

Using historic landmarks for something other than the original purpose would not be the truth.

You can advance, and modernize cities and towns, but keep the historic landmarks and history  for what they are.

Much of Jefferson’s history is recognized, remembered, and celebrated yearly.  The Civil War, the steamboat, merchants who established retail stores for the needs of the community, and farming, all done through the founders of Jefferson.

Jefferson exists due to its founder’s unity, with all their hard work and suffering.  

They left their  legacy to defend what they built for future generations.  Also it was to continue to have freedom to keep their legacy and historical landmarks.  That was done so that communities will learn and grow together by  praying for each other and helping one another.

Historic memories are for unity and love.  They are not for self indulging.

Everyone has a cause and a purpose.  It is not reserved for just a few people.  There is a proper place for all things that occurred in history.  Has Jefferson put some of their own historical memories aside?

Along with the citizens of Jefferson are visitors who come to Jefferson because of its history.  They come wanting to explore the legacy of the founders and forefathers.

The founders of Jefferson are heroes, so please do not make them villains.  The true landmarks of those who  founded Jefferson show the good and beauty of what Jefferson has to offer.

So where are the Jews of Jefferson?  Their generation came for freedom, and were accepted in love and worked together for the good of Jefferson.

The Jews are my ancestors and other Jews, who are connected to the Jews of Jefferson, have returned by the invitation of Jefferson.

 We have come home, but have no home.  We have come back to the historic landmarks of Jefferson.

So again, where is the legacy of the Jews?

In freedom and in love, the Jews built the synagogue in Jefferson for worship; thanking God for their home.  

They built it because Jefferson was their home and the people united with them as their family. What a great legacy we have inherited!

Where are the Jews of Jefferson?  They shouldn’t have to hide in cubby holes.  

Their historic  landmark makes a wonderful statement of true freedom and love in America and in Jefferson.

The Jewish graveyard will forever make a statement even through our death.  Our forefathers have built a synagogue to worship. 

We pray one day soon we will have freedom again to worship in the synagogue that was built for God.

Jefferson, let’s bring forth the love and good that Jefferson was founded on and not the evil.

The Lord said :   And  I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you : and in you shall  all the families of the earth be blessed. Genesis  12:3

Jefferson be blessed.   Rev 7:9

Rabbi Linda