Hunter Bonner/Contributing writer

Glenn Melancon’s article, “The Lives Of Texans Are At Risk”, was an emotionally charged Op-Ed designed to do one thing.  Play on the fears of people, and all of it for political gain.  In typical Melancon fashion, it was loaded with hyperbole, and embellished rhetoric.

So what about these DNA kits?  Is it about identifying a dead child after a shooting?  No.

Was this in response to Uvalde?  No.

This is a law that was passed in Spring of 2021.  A full year before that fateful day in Uvalde, Texas.  But far-left people like Glenn, they leave those facts out.

According to a report by the Houston Chronicle, the law is essentially about this:

Distribution of the kits began in fall 2021, according to the Texas Education Agency.

“The kits are designed to assist law enforcement in locating and returning a missing or trafficked child and are not distributed as a means of victim identification following a mass casualty incident,” TEA officials said. “While this is the first time school systems are involved in the distribution of kits, Texas has facilitated a statewide child ID program since 2006 through direct distribution to parents.”

Yet, all we hear from Melancon, and the leftist hordes that he runs with is, “This is to identify your child after a school massacre!”  As you can see, this has nothing to do with that at all.  It is about finding a child that has been abducted.

Why didn’t Melancon mention this?  Because it is not politically advantageous to report the actual truth of the matter on this, or any of his other points.

As for his comment about an 18 year old purchasing, “a weapon designed for war.”, he displays in glowing fashion his ignorance about firearms.  Speaking as a Marine, I can assure you, an AR-15 is not issued by the US Government for the battlefield.  It’s not designed for war, and yes, having served, that makes me an expert on that.

His comments about a militia, shows that Mr. Melancon either hasn’t been paying attention to recent rulings about the Second Amendment, or that he just doesn’t care about the rule of law.

So Melancon’s entire opinion article was literally to lie to you, the public, about something to gain political advantage.  This is the problem with our political climate.  State your political point, but do it honestly, and without deception.  To attempt to deceive the public to win a vote, means that a person, or party is not worth your vote.  They are disrespecting you.

Under Greg Abbott, and Texas Republican lawmakers, our state has weathered the COVID-19 pandemic, and destructive Democrat economic policies, much better than many other states in the United States.  The solutions Republicans offer are, let the free market be unleashed, stand up for Constitutional rights, be tough on crime, and preserve the unborn.  When that happens, society is better off.  History proves this.

Republicans are the party that believes you are better at managing your lives.

Democrats like Melancon believe that the government is best suited to manage your lives and pocketbook.  How has that been going for them so far?

So, my fellow Texans and Marion County Citizens, your lives are not at risk.  Reject the lies and platitudes.  Vote Republican, because as Melancon has clearly shown, the left is not to be trusted.

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