Help one another in the New Year

Shalom mishpacha and friends,

We are heading off into another year of life. Old things pass away and new things ahead. I would like to encourage everyone to really live this new year looking ahead and remember the good things in this life God has done for us.  Let the old hurts pass away and you may find life isn’t so bad.  Don’t you really want the unprofitable things and hurts of last year to change for the better as you go forth in this new year?

This is awesome to know and understand.  

Every good and perfect gift is from above,coming down from the father of the heavenly lights,who does not change like shifting shadow.  James 1:17

When we understand this truth about God maybe we will quit blaming God for all the bad things that happen.  There is evil in this fallen world.  There are people who choose to do evil as well as there are people who choose to do good.  We all suffer in some way, but must choose to take the way of truth.

No one can comprehend the suffering Yeshua went through on this evil earth.  However, He  endured the cross so you and I could get through this life. He delivers us if we accept Him.  One day we will be with Him. On that day there will be no more suffering, or pain. God also suffered seeing His Son tortured on the cross.  He is not a God without affection; He feels our pain.

That is why through His son, Yeshua, we can have God’s Shalom.  We can have a peace the world cannot give through Jesus if we choose to.

I am reminded of Jefferson’s history back in the day, and how it was thriving and prospering.  When things got hard for the community making a living, due to the water dam being broken, in spite of their differences, they came together in helping one another.  In particular, the Jews and the gentiles helping one another (in the book:  “History of the Jews in Jefferson” ) leaving their prejudiced behind.  No matter where a person come from, no matter what color of skin he has,  they are all human and Yeshua died for all mankind.  “For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten Son so whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”  John 3:16

The Bible says, “Finally brothers and sisters whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy think about such things.” Philippians 5:8

Though there is evil all around, we can’t get depressed dwelling on the evil.  We must do our best to make it better.  When we think of the good, instead of the bad, we are able to consider one another.

Helping one another, instead of beating up each other and trying to fight over parking places, or fighting to get in line first, and cuss each other out because we believe we are right.  When we only focus on how to destroy the other person to make ourselves look good, it’s really about selfishness. Whether you are right or wrong, it wont change what the other person believes so why put yourself through the stress?

If you desire a peaceful life, it’s time to change the way we look at things and realize people are human.  We all make mistakes, no one is without sin.

This year of life is given to us as a blessing. Let us live in that gift of blessing  looking at how good God is.

Hebrew word  for today : Life -Haim–To live ,have life,live prosperous ,be restored to  life and health .

Toda Raba,

Rabbi Linda