Radio ‘play’ a success, OHTP plans musical

Marcia Thomas/Contributing Writer

Jefferson’s Opera House Theatre Players closed the third production of their 34th season recently with the presentation of two radio script plays, “Casablanca” and “The Maltese Falcon”, both films of the famed actor Humphrey Bogart.

According to theatre director, Marcia Thomas, the plays were warmly received by the audiences, most of whom remember the “good old days” when radio was King of the airwaves.  She said that the roles played by local and area actors who dressed the parts in 1940s  attire were part of the great appeal of the plays. From Shreveport came two regular members of the Players, Joe Todaro and Lisa Daye; Longview resident Joe Wardlaw played roles in both plays while Marshall resident and newcomer to the Players stage, Perry Hall,  played the famous role of Sam the piano player, a role created in the film by Tyler native Dooley Wilson.  Others taking roles were Don Harris of Linden, Jane Maddox of Austin, Jim Blackburn, Gary Eigenmann and Marcia Thomas of Jefferson.  The show was  directed by board member Jane Maddox and sound effects were by Joe Coady.

Following the final performance, theatre director Thomas thanked the actors for participating and presented each one with a packet of vegetable or flower seeds with the instruction to plant a “Victory Garden” in keeping with the 40s period.  Actor Perry Hall injected his personal thanks for appearing in the play and presented his hand-drawn sketch of famous civil rights Marshallite, James Farmer to the theatre organization. Director Thomas also announced that the final production of the season will be on June 30 and July 1 with a show about Patsy Cline being planned.  The lead role has been cast, but there is a secondary role for a woman ranging in age from late 20s to 60s to play a fan club president.

There is some singing involved and anyone interested in trying out for the role should contact Ms. Thomas as soon as possible at 903-926-2760.