Substitute Training
JISD will be holding Substitute Training for anyone wishing to be a substitute teacher during the 2023-24 school year.
New JISD Substitute training will be from 9a-noon, July 25. Returning substitutes training will be 1-2p July 25. All training is at the JISD Administration Building, 1600 MLK Dr, Jefferson.
In order to be a substitute, one must attend the training. For more information, contact Barbara Cox or Lynn Phillips at 903-665-2461 or or
School Supplies
JISD will be providing school supplies for the 2023-24 school year for all students at all campuses. Parents and guardians are responsible for backpacks and water bottles. School starts August 14.
Teachers Needed
JISD is looking for a few more teachers for the 2023-24 school year. Positions available include: High School English, High School Science, High School Art & Floral Design, High School and Junior High Outdoor Education, Elementary Music, Special Education 3rd and 4th Grade, Elementary Special Education Life Skills/LIDS Teacher.
For more information, see the district website at

Moore Represents
Charlene Moore competed at TAFE (Texas Association of Future Educators) National competition in Impromptu Speaking June 28-July 3 in Orlando, Florida.
Steele named to LeTourneau Deans List
Faith Steele was named to the Spring 2023 Dean’s List at LeTourneau University. The Dean’s List recognizes students who have achieved a grade point average between 3.50 and 3.99 for the semester.
She is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Nursing.