V. Hugh Lewis II/Jefferson Jimplecute
The Friends of Lake O’the Pines will be subleasing the old Mis Volunteer Fire Department building following County Commissioners agreeing to a new 5-year lease with the US Army Corps of Engineers during Monday’s regular meeting.
The County has kept the lease, even though the building was not actively in use. Last fall, the County was given notice that the property was not being maintained according to the exisiting lease and needed to be brought up to standards.
The County repaired the building and then began considering ending the lease at it’s next renewal. That led to understanding that when the lease ended, the property needed to be returned to it’s original state – which meant the removal of the building.
The County began exploring options on subletting the building.
The Friends of Lake O’the Pines did not indicate how they would be using the building, but agreed to a 1-year lease with renewal options. They will not be paying a lease fee for the property.
The USACE agreed to the terms.
Commissioners also approved an agreement with Allpaid which will allow for Cash Bail/Bond payments to be processed instead of the Jail having to keep sums of cash on hand.
Fees are largely percentage driven ranging from 3.75% to 5.25% and are payed by the person posting the bond/bail. Additionally, service fees for probation, electronic monitoring, work release, restitution, etc, will incur a fee based on the amount owed.
In other business, Commissioners accepted another settlement agreement on the Opiod suites, but the amount was not made public at this time.
They also:
• accepted donations from businesses for storm damage assistance;
- • accepted revenue for the sale of timber in Pct. 3;
- • approved the TAC Health & employee benefits notice;
- • approved Interlocal Agreement with ETCOG for 911 Services; and
- • settled accounts for July.