Hunter Bonner/Contributing Writer

We have had one hot summer! However, in the political world, things are just starting to heat up. Now is the time for Republicans to start getting focused on this Presidential Election.

One of the very first things you must do to get ready for this election season is to make sure you are registered to vote. You may say, “I know I am registered to vote.” Are you though? This link is a great way to find out for sure:

If you have moved recently, especially if you have changed precincts, your voter registration must be updated. You can update that on the website listed above, or you can reach out to the Marion County Republican Assembly, and we can get your information updated. It is super easy! Deadline to be registered to vote in the November 2023 elections is Tuesday, Oct. 10, 2023.

The next thing that you need to do is to start researching candidates. One of the most troubling things I hear as an election judge is, “Who are these people?” Super Tuesday, which is March 2024, is months away. You have plenty of time to start researching candidates for President, as well as other down ballot candidates for office. As I have stated plenty of times, it is incumbent upon you, the grassroots voter, to do your part and know what platform a candidate is running on.

Another thing is to familiarize yourself with is how the Republican Party of Texas functions. We have rules and bylaws at the state and county levels. Next year, after the primaries, precinct and county conventions will take place, and it is from those meetings that delegates (representatives) of the counties will go to the state convention.

Among many things that are decided on at state convention, our platform and legislative priorities are voted on and adopted. That process starts at the county level. This is where you, the grassroots, come into play.

If in the past here in Marion County, you have been made to feel unwelcome, or discouraged from participating in the Republican Party, or serving in public office, I am extending you an invitation to come get active. It is not hard, nor complicated, to understand how the party functions, and once you understand how it should function, you empower yourself to take action and help shape our local and state party.

The Marion County Republican Assembly has one mission: To get Republicans elected. It’s that simple. We have the tools, the people, and the experience to accomplish this task. 

Most common sense Republicans are aware that no one is ever going to get everything they want when it comes to making public policy. Disagreements can happen. However, we work through them, and come together at election time. 

Reagan said it best, “Thou shalt not speak ill of another Republican.” That doesn’t mean that debates won’t happen, but throwing each other under the bus does not solve things. Those that seek to trash other Republicans, by employing self-created purity tests on who is and is not a Republican, are not interested in advancing a conservative agenda. They are more about their own narcissism and because of that, it hurts our Republican Party. It is what leads to elections being lost to Democrats. Hopefully you are getting the picture?

The MCRA is very active in our county. We have worked on issues such as advocating for legislation that benefits all of Marion County, as well as worked on local issues, such as recent issues with the water supply in the Crestwood  addition. We invite you to join our ranks, and together, work to get Republicans elected.

Hunter Bonner is the President of the Marion County Republican Assembly and a grassroots activist. He can be reached at and on X (Formerly Twitter) @HunterBonner. His views are his own.

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