Francene Rainey/Contributing Writer
The 21st Annual Diamond Don AHRMA National Motocross is in the books.

As everyone knows, Diamond Don and Moto Mama are heading off into the sunset and this was our last race.
“The words ‘Thank You’ do not adequately express our genuine appreciation for all the riders, their families, sponsors, employees, volunteers, AHRMA and our so many friends for all the support and love over the last 21 years,” said Rainey. “These friendships will continue on for many years.”
There were over 800 race entries, as compared to last year of 696. They had 877 people through the gate (825 last year) and many arrived the Saturday before the event and spent the week shoping and eating in Jefferson.
“ Its been a great run but we are ready for retirement and spending some quality time together,” said Rainey.
The charity activities at the 21st Annual DDMX raised more than $12,000 for Jefferson Adopt-A-Cop and Women Rock, Inc. Each year the event has raised money for local charities.