- • City, County Offices Closed Nov. 23-24
- • Commissioners Court, 9a, Nov. 27
- • Tourism, 5:30p Nov. 28
School Dates
- • Nov. 27: 7/8 Boys Basketball at Troup, 5p
- • Nov. 28: Boys Basketball vs Liberty Eylau 4:30p
- • Nov. 28: Girls Basketball at Paul Pewitt, 5p
- • Nov. 30-Dec 2: JV Boys Basketball at Tatum Tourney
- • Nov. 30-Dec 2: V Basketball at White Oak Tourney
Meat Sauce
Get ready for the holidays! The Jessie Allen Wise garden club is selling our delicious meat sauce. Pick up at the Excelsior hotel for $15 a quart. Hurry while supplies last.
Wassail Walk
The Marion County Chamber of Commerce is hosting their annual Wassail Walk in downtown Jefferson on November 25. Come stroll through our lovely unique boutiques and antique shops while sipping a complimentary cup of wassail or another holiday beverage. For more information,
The Marion County Chamber’s Annual Christmas Parade is set for 6p November 25! It runs through downtown Jefferson and ends at Lion’s Club Park for the official lighting of the Enchanted Forest. For more information, or to sign-up to participate, 903-665-2672.
Bridge on 726
The bridge at Copeland Creek on FM 726 in Harrison County is scheduled to be replaced soon, according to plans awarded in August by the Texas Department of Transportation.
“During construction, the bridge will be closed, and traffic will be detoured,” said TxDOT Marshall Area Engineer Jacob Vise.
THK Construction, LLC of Longview was awarded the contract with a bid of $3,496,300.
Work is expected to begin November 27, 2023, and should take about seven months to complete.
King States
Please join in a Festive Holiday Music Celebration at Candlelight featuring the stylistic sounds of the band “King States.” Enjoy an evening of a variety of Christmas music and community fellowship at Union Baptist Church November 30th. Doors open at 6pm Concert will begin at 6:30 Tickets $10 at the Door.
Book your reservations for the Candlelight dinners at the Excelsior hotel. The dinner includes chicken spaghetti, salad, bread and bread pudding all for $20. Dinners held Fridays and Saturdays of Candlelight from 4:30 to 7:30. Call the hotel now at 903-665-2513.
Decorate those Businesses and Residences; then let us know by December 1st that you want to enter this contest by texting your name and address to (903)930-7190. It is all for FUN AND FREE! We will do our drive by on Saturday, December 2nd and Sunday, December 3rd to judge the entries. Winners will be announced at our Rotary Club Christmas Party on Monday, December 4th by Facebook Live! Get busy decorating and lets see that Christmas spirit! First Place $100.00, Second Place $50.00 and Third Place $25.00
The Mims Community Center will be holding their annual Christmas Craft Bazaar from 11a-3p December 2 at the Center in the Mims Community. There will be a silent auction, bake sale, light lunch and lots of handcrafted items available. For more information, or to obtain a booth, call 903-256-7306.
KCS Train
The Kansas City Southern’s Christmas Train is returning to Jefferson on December 4. Watch for more details and information for this free Christmas tour.
Christmas Show
4th Annual Brushy Creek Christmas Drive Thru Christmas Light Show will be from 6-9p December 8-9 at Brushy Creek Campground on Lake O’the Pines. It’s hosted by Friends of Lake O’ the Pines and USACE.
Jingle Jangle
The Jefferson Historical Society and Museum is sponsoring the first annual Jingle Jangle! A celebration of the holidays as many shops will stay open until 8p or later. Fundraiser tickets to the LaMasure Christmas Open House, 506 S. Friou, are $25 and will be open from 5:30-8p. The Marshall Symphony Strings Ensemble will also perform at 7p.
Yuletide Show
The Haywood House is throwing their 4th Annual Yuletide Dinner & Christmas Show – Haywood House on December 20-21.
Bingo & BBQ
The Jefferson Carnegie Library will be hosting their Bingo Night and BBQ from 6-9p January 18 at the library. Tickets can be purchased at the library, but there are a limited number available, so get them early. Or more information, 903-65-8911. The event is sponsored by the Friends of the Carnegie Library.
The Mims Community Cente’s Tuesday Morning Breakfast by the Mims VFD Ladies Auxillary is back. The $8 donation draws a full breakfast of bacon, sausage, eggs, biscuits, gravy, oatmeal, yogurt, pancakes, french toast, waffles, coffee and juice. Every Tuesday from 7-9a.
Quality Survey
Community Healthcore has an online survey, which everyone in Marion County should fill out. It is on their website at the very top it says “2023 CHC Quality Improvement Survey”. It can be taken in English or Spanish

Found You
The Jefferson Police Department wants to remind everyone that if your street address is not clearly visible on either your home or mailbox, emergency vehicles and other first responders may have trouble locating you. Address numbers should be at least 3-inches tall, visible from the street with proper lighting or are reflective, are on a contrasting background, and are visible from both sides of the mailbox.
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