A moment with the minister:

Demonstrate and Profess the Good News!

Lynnett Arielle Rabbi, Bethel Temple Fellowship

“The problem is that they haven’t all paid attention to the Good News and obeyed it. For Isaiah/ Yesha’yahu says, Lord/ Adonai, who has trusted what He has heard from us? So, trust comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes through a word proclaimed about the Messiah.” — Romans 10:16-17

“And He said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” — Mark 16:15

Yeshua (Hebrew name for Jesus) is telling His disciples to share the good news! What is the good news? Its Jesus! He is the good news! When we get saved, and give our hearts to Yeshua/Jesus part of our salvation is telling others of what Yeshua/ Jesus did in our lives! Professing the good news, demonstrating the good news! We become His disciples for this day and age. 

My question to you is, “When was the last time you told someone about Jesus?” Sometimes we get so distracted in our businesses, our every day lives, our clubs, our jobs that we forget to tell our testimony of how Jesus saved us and how He transformed us to those we meet.

We forget to tell them how Yeshua/Jesus can transform lives when people call on Him. We get caught up in things and get sidetracked that we don’t talk about the good news.

We talk about everything else, or we talk about the good news in church but the rest of the week we forget to tell others or it’s not a priority.

 We say, “thank you Lord for your blessings” but it’s more than blessings, it’s about a personal relationship with the Father and professing that relationship to others. 

When we commit our lives to the Lord, we must demonstrate the love of the Father to others and profess who and what He has done in our lives. It’s about encouraging and most importantly, leading others to Him. Our whole purpose in life is to win people to Christ; to worship God Almighty. We aren’t here on this earth just to exist. We have a purpose; you have a purpose.

There are some people who may have known or know about who Yeshua/Jesus is, but haven’t surrendered to Him due to heartaches, frustrations, anger, bitterness, or even hypocrisy. Some have fallen away from Him.

The Lord loves and misses you. He desires you to come back to Him.

So, we’ve had some bad experiences, seen hypocrisy at its finest. So what? Don’t let that keep you from going to heaven. Allow Him to transform you and let Him deal with the hypocrites.

The Lord wants you to give Him your anxieties, fears, frustrations, hurts, sicknesses, diseases and anger. That was Yeshua’s purpose of dying on the cross to take these, so we don’t have to.

What we must do is believe that He did die on the cross and took all these things upon Him, confess He is God and believe in our hearts.

That is faith, trusting and knowing that Yeshua/Jesus is real, what He did on the cross happened in real life and it also reflects what He can do spiritually to transform our spirits.

We are a physical body, who has a spirit because God Almighty breathed His very breath in us and man became a living soul. (nephesh chayyah in Hebrew)

“And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into His nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul” — Genesis 2:7

Humans have a soul, mind, will, and emotions. How man was created is a miracle and only a supernatural God can do supernatural things and create out of nothing. It is by His mere word that all things were created.

God spoke the universe into existence. God’s creative act of speaking life into existence out of nothing sets Him apart as God.

This is one reason we worship God and tell others of His power. As the psalmist King David writes:

“By the word of the Lord the heavens were made,
their starry host by the breath of His mouth. He gathers the waters of the sea into jars; He puts the deep into storehouses.
Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the people of the world revere Him.
For He spoke, and it came to be;
He commanded, and it stood firm.”
—Psalm 33:6-9

What other god can do that? What other god can create? What other god can breathe his very breath in you and you become alive?

No other god can! Other “gods” aren’t real. They are images built by human hands. So why do people believe in “a god” who doesn’t speak to them? Men say, “other gods” represent certain characteristic qualities but there is no life in those “gods”. So how can personality traits and characteristics be demonstrated in things that don’t have a living soul? 

The enemy of God Almighty can duplicate but not create. He can manipulate and convince people to believe that these “gods” are real and their qualities are alive. However, its an illusion, a false peace, and a belief in something that isn’t alive. The enemy convinces that entities are good and should be worshiped, but that is leading people to worship things and self rather than leading them to God Almighty, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob of the bible.

“Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshiped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.” —Romans 1:25

The living God who created man, created the universe and sent His son Yeshua/Jesus to this world is real. He does exist and He loves you very much. Evidence of His glory, His existence is all around us. This is part of why we, as His children, His creation we tell others about Him. We share who God is. As children of God we demonstrate who we are and profess. We tell others the Good News which is Yeshua/Jesus. Be encouraged to share the gospel of Christ, of what He has done in your life. Share what He has brought you out of, how He transformed your life, and how you are now living for a God who hears, sees, knows, loves, leads, directs, encourages you in this journey we call life.

In the Master’s Service,

Rabbi Lynnette Arielle