It Is Time To Unite

By Hunter Bonner 

My name is Hunter Bonner, and I am your newly elected Marion County Republican Chairman.  I was elected in the primary election on March 5, 2024 and my term will last through State Convention in 2026.

When I decided to run for County Chairman, I did so with several key points that I believe that our party, and I as your party chairman, need to accomplish:


First, getting Republicans elected.  This is one of the key areas of responsibility for the county chairman and precinct chairs.  As I stated during my campaign, I will work to make sure in all areas of government, even local, we have a slate of conservative Republicans running for and serving in office.


Second, voter education.  How many times have you gone to the ballot box and said, “I don’t know what any of these things are about!”?  Probably more than you care to count.  The Marion County Republican Party will work to educate voters on legislative items at the local, state, and federal level.  This will be accomplished by more frequent general meetings of the Marion County GOP.


Increasing voter registration is absolutely vital in growing our party.  If you have a new neighbor, or a family member has moved to Marion County, your precinct chairs, along with myself, will work to get them registered to vote.  When people are registered to vote, they are more likely to turnout at the polls.


Finally, our party must continue to champion transparency.  We demand it from our elected officials from the local to the federal level by having open meetings and or live streaming those proceedings.  The Marion County GOP will do these things, as well as giving ample notice of general GOP meetings and the County Executive Committee meetings.


When you combine all of these together, you have a roadmap to do what must be done now.  We as Republicans in this county must unite together in one singular purpose.  That is, defeating Democrats in November and ending the destructive reign of Joe Biden.  As a unified party, working toward this goal, we can and will be successful!


This Thursday, June 27, 2024 at 6pm at 1852 on Austin Restaurant, I invite all Republicans to come to our Organizational Meeting of the Marion County Executive Committee.  We will swear in our elected party officials, adopt bylaws, and hear some exciting news about election season coming up.  This is a great opportunity to put a face to the name of your precinct chair.  We hope to see you all there!

Hunter Bonner is the Marion County GOP Chairman, lifelong Republican activist, and Veteran.  He can be reached at

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