A Moment with the Minister: What Is Sin?

Rabbi Lynnette Bonner/Bethel Temple Fellowship

What is sin?

A message from my heart:

 This is for those with a broken heart, I want to speak life and love to everyone, and to let you know Jesus/Yeshua loves you. He wants to restore you and bring you back to Him.

Let’s talk about sin. Who talks about it any more? Why would I talk about it? Sin doesn’t like to be exposed. Sin brings condemnation, and in a “perfect world” sin doesn’t exist, no one likes to feel they are a bad person.

This isn’t about being a bad person, this is about acknowledging we all need a Savior, we all need to be spiritually freed of sin. Sin separates us from God.

So my prayer is for the conviction of sin. Conviction brings salvation, healing, and freedom. There’s a big difference between condemnation and conviction.

Condemnation in Greek is katakrino “to give judgment, condemn to hell, to death.” Conviction in Greek is elegchos “reproof, that by which is proved or tested.” In Hebrew conviction is yakah, or, “to prove or correct.”

When we sin, the Holy Spirit makes us aware of it. We have this gut feeling like we shouldn’t do something, and we know it’s not good for us. Conviction brings repentance, turning away from it, and not doing it again. But it takes obedience to the Holy Spirit and obedience to God’s word to stop sin.

God gave people commandments to bring order to chaos. Commandments in Hebrew are mitzvah, instructions, code of wisdom, ordinances, not only law. Commandments were created to help humanity in need of structure, from a falling away from God and bringing humanity back to Him.

What is sin anyway?

It’s to fail, it’s missing the goal. It’s willfully disobeying the Father’s instructions.

Humanity needs a Savior from sin, which leads to hell. That’s why God sent His son Jesus to bring us back to the Father.

Sometimes we think we have a relationship with God, but sin keeps us from getting close to Him and giving everything up to God. Sin brings a broken relationship between us and God. Sin keeps us from changing into the image of Jesus.

So by acknowledging we need Jesus in our hearts and lives, it’s the first step to surrendering to the Savior. It’s about relinquishing control, giving up everything to Yeshua. He will begin to heal and bring you back to that relationship with Him.

It’s trusting, believing God exists, He wants to be involved in every aspect of our lives because He loves us. Yeshua wants to help us, lead us in this world, teach us how to overcome what we struggle with. He wants to free us of sin and unrighteousness.

Romans 10:9-10 says, That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

Father, I pray that you’re beginning the work, and your Word will go forth and accomplish wherever it goes. Forgive your people from all unrighteousness, forgive us from sinning and come into our hearts and lives.

May we turn away from sin and turn completely back to you.

We acknowledge you are the God of this universe. You sent your son Yeshua/Jesus here on earth; to be born, to live, to die, and then He rose again on the third day, so we can have eternal life. Jesus, come into our hearts and be our Lord and personal Savior. May we be obedient unto your word. Amen

 I pray you will call upon Him and know He misses you and He loves you very much!

Blessings, Rabbi Lynnette Arielle