Rotary celebrate 100  years of service

Kathy Whitfield/Contributing Writer

On June 27th, the Rotary Club celebrated our 100th Birthday and the Installation of Officers for our upcoming year 2024-25. 

The dinner was held at The Carriage House in Jefferson, Texas. 

Out going President, Kathy Whitfield presented several special awards which included a “Service Above Self” award to Cisco Mirabent, Mill Manager from West Fraser for the ongoing support of our club throughout the years and their generous donations to our projects for this past year. Also receiving a certificate of appreciation were Paul Morehead, Honorary Rotarian and Paul Harris Fellow for his continued support of our club and our Flag program; Bulldog Pizza also received a certificate of appreciation for their support of our club and providing a perfect place for our club to meet. Hamid is also a Paul Harris Fellow. 

Our District Governor for 2023-24, Karen Maines did the honor of installing our new President Toni Woods and spoke briefly on how much our club had done through the past year doing more projects than we had members. She encouraged us and told us that we were an inspiration to other clubs. 

Receiving the Rotarian of the Year Award went to the out going President, Kathy Whitfield, who stated “that all of our members are Rotarians of the year. We have such a small club and and as much as we do in our community it takes everyone giving 100%”.

(Shown in photo1 is Dee Dee Hunter, Cisco Mirabent and Kathy Whitfield

Shown in photo 2 is Paul Morehead and Kathy Whitfield 

Shown in photo 3 is Hamid Habibelahian and Kathy Whitfield

Shown in Photo 4 District Governor Karen Maines and Kathy Whitfield

Shown in Photo 5

Rotarian of the year, Kathy Whitfield with her club officers Jim Finstrom PDG, Toni Woods and Robin Moore. )