‘Celebrate the Old Glory’ performance set July 19

Marcia Thomas/Contributing Writer

A patriotic production entitled “Celebrate the Old Glory” is still being planned by Jefferson’s community theatre the Opera House Theatre Players.

The third Saturday in July is the date that the production featuring an all patriotic theme will be mounted on the stage of the Union Baptist Church event building located on Houston Street.  According to director Marcia Thomas, the group already has a fine actor, Cheyenne Mobbs, on board for a presentation in costume of the Gettysburg Address; the multi-talented Rockin’ Riley will also be there playing some of his regular music but also throwing in something extra special in costume to match the patriotic theme; board member Lisa Daye, a professional pianist and music teacher,  will play several selections on the theatres recently purchased keyboard.

Director Thomas said,  “we would love to have more young people participating such as singers, instrumentalists, dancers, etc.  Even young  artists who wish to  exhibit ther patriotic paintings are welcome. We hope to encourage young people to keep pursuing some form of the arts through the summer and into school time.

This week is the last week to be considered for the show and any young people between 6 and 15 as well as adults with a unique talent should call the director at 903-926-2760 as soon as possible.