Woofstock sponsorships open until August 1st.

Attention, potential sponsors for Woofstock! We are again blown away by the positive reception we’ve received from the area businesses and folks in our incredible community. How thankful we are for each of you… and for your supportive response!

As many of you have expressed your desire to sponsor, we felt it important to keep it fresh on your minds that the deadline for your names to appear on our t-shirts is August 1. While it isn’t a hard stop for sponsorship, we don’t want you to miss out on the opportunity to be fully recognized.

For a simpler, downloadable copy of the form, please visit www.woofstockevent.com/get-involved . You can fill it out and email it to fojawoofstockevent@gmail.com, drop it off at Made in the Shade, or simply take a picture of the completed for and text it to me (Lisa Lowder) at 903-472-9975.

Please feel free to reach out to me at that number, as well, with any questions!

Thank you, again, for giving our event wings! And for helping us help Marion County animals in need. We know that it truly takes ALL of our village.