FOJA Seeks Support at August 12-13 Budget Talks

The Jefferson City Council has scheduled two important meetings for Monday, August 12, and Tuesday, August 13, both beginning at 6:30 PM at the Transportation Center.

These meetings will focus on the city’s budget for the upcoming year. On Monday, the Council will address a few key agenda items, including the proposed budget presented by the Mayor. The Tuesday meeting will serve as a budget workshop, providing an opportunity for further discussion and potential amendments by the Council.

Residents wishing to speak at either meeting must sign up in advance, with a strict time limit of three minutes per person. The Friends of Jefferson Animals (FOJA) encourages supporters to attend and express their concerns and support for FOJA. Attendees are urged to wear maroon or gray FOJA shirts, if available, and to keep their remarks concise and professional.

As city tax dollars are being allocated, this is a crucial time for citizens to make their voices heard. FOJA members and other concerned residents are encouraged to contact City Council members directly via phone or email to discuss the budget and its implications for the community.