Weekly Horoscopes: August 16-22

Created by Shangri La Tarot, Astrology, Reiki, 111 Austin Street, 469-994-2295

The planets, sun, and moon are constantly moving and influencing each other, and their patterns affect life on Earth. 

Astrology helps us understand these patterns and how they guide us. The changing seasons are a clear example of this influence, showing that everything has its time. 

Ancient seers noticed these celestial rhythms and created rituals to connect humanity with the cosmos. 

Another significant event is Mercury retrograde, which happens 3-4 times a year. During this time, we’re encouraged to reflect and organize our thoughts. Currently, Mercury is retrograde, starting on August 4th in Virgo and continuing through August 28th, ending in Leo. 

This period is a time for self-assessment and recognizing our talents, preparing us for future opportunities.

Horoscopes for the Week of August 16-22, 2024

ARIES: Both your home and work environments might feel like they need a fresh start, and organizing them could bring clarity. Expect shifts in your routines, as Mercury retrograde tends to shake things up! Communication might feel a bit off, so try to be patient. Instead of getting frustrated, embrace the chaos—there’s fun to be had in the unpredictability!  

TAURUS: Your usual creative spark might feel more introspective, prompting you to reconnect with the joys of your childhood. Whether it’s a favorite hobby or a cherished memory, let these inspirations guide you. This is an excellent time for gathering with friends for art, crafts, or a night under the stars. Keep an eye out for someone from your past who may resurface.  

GEMINI: Your home life might take center stage, with thoughts of family, childhood, and personal roots coming to the forefront. Mercury retrograde invites you to reconsider your space—perhaps it’s time to rearrange furniture or start a new project. Reflect on how your thoughts have evolved from childhood to now, and let this guide your next steps. 

CANCER: Travel plans and communication may feel a bit jumbled during this time, with delays and changes popping up unexpectedly. Mercury retrograde can make everything seem a little upside down, but it’s also a chance to revisit, renew, and rewrite. Embrace these moments as opportunities to approach things differently. 

LEO: Your finances and values are in the spotlight, making it a perfect time to start a journal about what truly matters to you. Notice how your priorities shift over time, and reflect on how these changes impact your financial goals. This period invites you to consider what you genuinely seek in life, both materially and spiritually. 

VIRGO: You may find yourself rethinking how you see yourself and how others perceive you. Mercury retrograde, your ruler, might make communication feel muddled, but don’t stress—just go with the flow. This is a good time to embrace the lighter side of life and let go of the need for everything to be perfect. 

LIBRA: This month, your usual balance and social grace might feel a bit elusive as Mercury retrograde pulls you inward. You may find yourself drawn to deeper questions about spirituality and psychology, with vivid dreams offering insights. Remember, you’re not alone—someone close to you cares deeply. Create a space at home to reflect and connect. 

SCORPIO: Nostalgia for the past may tug at your heart, particularly when it comes to friendships or special memories. Take the time to explore these feelings without rushing into any decisions. Use this period to reassess your goals and dreams—are they still aligned with your future? Clear communication is key, so address any misunderstandings promptly.  

SAGITTARIUS: Past work or career-related matters may require your attention now. This is a time to focus on unfinished business, whether it’s a job application or a project that needs revisiting. As a natural leader, your patience and compassion are your greatest strengths. Use this retrograde to reconnect with important people and clarify your direction.  

CAPRICORN: You may find yourself contemplating a return to study or revisiting a place that holds significance. As Mercury retrograde highlights questions of truth, morals, and ethics, take time to reflect on what these mean to you now. With the Age of Aquarius upon us, consider how new principles might shape your values moving forward. 

AQUARIUS: It’s a good time to review your financial and legal documents—make sure everything is up to date and in order. Balance is key, especially when sharing resources or offering help to others. Stay hydrated, stay mindful, and remember that gratitude goes a long way. Don’t forget to take care of yourself along the way! 

PISCES: Relationships may need some extra attention as Mercury retrograde moves through your partnership house. It’s a great time to renew vows or commitments, deepening your bonds by showing more love and understanding. Just remember, this isn’t the best time for new marriages—wait until Mercury goes direct before making any big decisions. These reflections apply to all your relationships, so take a moment to appreciate and nurture them.